~ Chapter 22 ~

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''Hey, Alice I am... What's wrong?!'' She quickly sat up, placed the shirt behind her and quickly wiped off her tears. Henry was standing in front of her room, crossed arms and a worried face. He walked over to her and she became even more nervous. ''Alice?''

Her breath stopped and her mind went blank. She knew deep down inside her brother saw it all. He knows everything and that there is no possible way for her to get out of this situation nor lie to him. He sat on her bed and she lowered her head, tears coming again.

''Alice, look at me.''

''No, I am too embarrassed.'' She says quietly.

''Why are you embarrassed?'' She sighs but doesn't answer. ''Alice please talk to me.''

''I will break a promise if I do.''

''Who is the person behind that promise?'' She wipes off a couple more tears.
''You can tell me anything. Whatever it is, it won't leave this room and if you want, we won't even talk about it.''

''But, you will be angry and you won't trust me ever again.''

He hugs her tightly, putting his head on her shoulder and whispering into her ear.
''There is not a single thing on this planet that could make me stop trusting you or make me angry. I truly believe that you kept it from me for a good reason and that shirt behind it is also in your hands for a reason. I just want to know why I want to understand. Honestly, I need to know, but I will understand.''

''I promised him, I would keep it from you.''

''John?' She nodded. ''Just think about it like this: if John wanted this to be kept away from me, he wouldn't leave the shirt here, in this house, the same house I live in. If you want to tell me you can, but know that I am here for you in any shape or form.'' She hugged him back.
''You can't act tough all of the time, we all have our weak days and that is fine. I, as your younger brother, want you to be happy and to smile every single day.''

She leaves the hug and puts the shirt in front of them. He touches it slowly, his memory of the fabric excellent. He remembers every day John wore that shirt like it was all yesterday.

2 years ago...

Dylan: And this is my favourite. (He gives the bag to Luise)

Luise: I told you to not get me anything, but you still did.

Dylan: Did you think I would listen? Of course, I won't. (They giggled at Luise, as he was opening the bag)

Luise: No way! (He saw the print on the shirt) Oh wow, thank you, guys! (He hugs them) I love it so much! I will wear it every single day!


Alice told him the story about the accident not leaving out a single thing. He was listening patiently and loving every part of it. Well, of course not the part where the car hits her sister, but the part where John comes in like a real hero and help her out. That is his favourite one.

''At the end, he asked me not to tell you anything and to keep this a total secret and I did. I kept it for a whole year.''
He hugs her again, closing his eyes, to not let the tears come out.

''I am proud of John for being such an amazing friend and I am not mad or disappointed, I am glad nothing bad happened to you. You just kept your promise and I certainly can't get mad at that.'' She tries to pass him the shirt, but he denies it. ''He gave you that shirt, that shirt belongs to you and only you. He gave you it, to protect you when he is not there and to keep you warm. Let the shirt do that.''

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