~ Chapter 3 ~

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I arrived at the school at which there was the biggest crowd. My heart was beating so fast, but I waited for the crowd to clear up. There were students crying others smiling from ear to ear, made me rethink everything I did. They were with their parents either celebrating their hearts out with the shining sparkle in their eyes, or crying and plunging into their parent's chest. At least they have someone with them. I probably look like a loser standing all alone here. But frankly I don't care.

Finally I saw a path to go through. There was this big list with people that made it. If my name is not on this list, that means I failed and can't get into college with a scholarship, which is bad. I need the scholarship, because I don't have anyone that will support me financially. I ran my fingers through the list trying to find my name, but nothing. I ran through the list over a hundred times, being the only student in the hallway staring at it. I was really hoping that my eye sight is very bad and that my name will pop out, but nothing. How the hell is my name not on the list?! I am positive that I did it go! I started to punch and kick the wall aggressively. The student in the yard saw everything trough the wide opened doors. I screamed from the top of my lungs: 

''How the fuck isn't my name on this stupid list?! I studied more than any of you! I will kill anyone that is better than me!''

 I ran my fingers again trough the list, but my name definitely wasn't there. I threw a tantrum in the middle of the hallway and then I rushed out of the school without breath and lashed out another scream through my mouth, this time even more scary.

Everyone was hiding in the shades of the trees. I calmed down eventually my chest going up and down from the hard breathing.

''What's wrong loser? Didn't make the cut?''  I turned around just to see Joseph smirking like an arogant idiot. ''I told you already, loser and weirdoes like you never make it out of this world successfully. You don't have the money, you don't have the sanity, let alone the brains. I made the cut and you didn't. You are the top student of our class?'' He scoffed.  ''I don't think so.''
I moved my chin around from anger, trying to hold in the anger that was boiling inside of me. I won't let him get to me, it is going to be hard ignoring this prick, but I will try my best. I squeezed my fist and didn't break the eye contact. 
''Don't worry, I will call you when I need a maid inside of me company,'' he came closer almost touching my nose. ''or should I call your mom?''

 I grabbed his collar just like I did 3 years ago. I guess the rage couldn't wait. I am okay him bad mouthing me, but bringing someone else, it is where the line is crossed:

 ''You think this is funny?!'' I yelled from the top of my lungs ready to kill the bastard with my own to hands. I was just imagining my hands slipping from his collar and around his neck. While my veins pop out from the strength I was having: ''Do you think that life is a joke?! You unconsidered prick. You will always hide behind others success!''

 I pushed him to the floor and was standing right above him. I was finally the one looking at him from the high, showing him that he is nothing but also human.

''What you want to hit me? You can't even have friends let alone be violent! You are just a little brat. No wonder your father left!'' 

That is when I lost it. I got on top of him and started to punch his face, over and over again, screaming: ''Die!'' Do not judge or hate, the little prick deserved it and you all know it. He has been torturing me for years and it was finally time to pay him back. Every punch was filled with pain, anger, sadness and inner insecurities.

His friends finally came and pulled me away from him, throwing me into the tree, making me hit my head hard. Joseph got up easily, like my punches were nothing. Grabbed my hair and spit out the blood from his mouth onto my face.

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