~ Chapter 11 ~

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''What took you so long?'' Henry was pale. ''I was starting to get some dark thought about your disappearance.''

''Sorry the traffic was crazy and I just couldn't go around it. It was a whole mess.''

'' It's a Saturday. Traffic on a Saturday afternoon isn't like that. Did something happen? Why are lying to us?''

'' I-I am not; it is just, okay fine I will tell you everything, but please do not judge. I pulled over at the side of the road because I was crying like a little baby.''
Dylan stood up instantly and looked at the boy totally scared. ''Don't worry, it wasn't something serious, I was just missing Luise, I mean John too much. Our favourite song started to play and I guess I got too emotional. I am sorry for you guys worrying about me and also because you just found out what kind of a cry baby I am.'' Dylan sat back down at the bench and said from relief.

'' We already knew that Craig. My heart skipped a beat when you said you were crying. For a second I thought you almost gotten into a car crash. Then are you sure you want to watch the last video? I mean if you are going to cry, I don't want to play the video. Maybe we don't need to know what is on it and just try to forget about it.''

'' What are you talking about Dylan? Have you lost your mind? Did you even read your letter? If you didn't then you should really, because when you do, you will want to watch the video just as much as we do.''

'' I did read it,'' Dylan said while avoiding eye contact with the others.

'' Then what is it? Are you scared to see it? We can watch it first and then tell you if it worth watching if you are so scared.''

''All of his videos are worth watching!'' He snapped at others. ''Why would I be scared to watch some video he made for us?! I am not a kid for God's sake!''

''Okay Dylan, you don't need to yell. Henry was just trying to be careful with your feelings. He is looking out for you and isn't treating you like a baby but as a real friend.''
Dylan swallowed all of the anger at once and tried not to say anything rude.

'' Whatever.''

They all looked at each other in silence, not knowing what to do after this little fight. They all wanted to watch the video, but on the other hand, they were all trying to make the waiting longer, scared to see what the video beholds. Craig lifted his head and smiled at the others, which was a sign that he has a brilliant idea.

'' What if we watch the pictures on the laptop first, to get our minds to stop beings so confused and closed-minded? Maybe after watching them, we will really want to watch the video, maybe even more than now. What do you guys think?'' They all nodded and Henry pulled out the laptop from the bag right away. ''I knew that this would be a good idea as soon as I thought of it. I can't wait to see the photos from the time we light up the fireworks really near the water. I just know that he kept those photos.''

They looked at a bunch of photos and laughed at every memory that came along with it. Something about those pictures made their cheeks blush and the muscles in their mouth area lift. Every picture was perfect and made them realize how perfect they are for each other and that no matter what happens they will always have each other.

'' Guys I am becoming even more emotional now. I don't want to look at these photos without John and I feel guilty for even opening anything that is in this bag. I kind of regret it. I don't want to do this anymore. I want to leave it all behind and find John. Maybe then I will be at peace to watch this video or look at these pictures. I'm sorry for having these thoughts when it is too late, but I guess my feeling is just eating me up. I didn't want you guys to think that I am some kind of scared cat, but now that I had so many flashbacks in one day made me realize that I don't want us to be left alone like this. I want to find John and do all of the things we didn't get to do.''
Henry jumped from his seat with excitement.

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