Ryland: He comforts you

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Meaning: F/N = Fans name Y/N = Your name Y/U/N = Your username

You were on tour with Ryland and R5 being Ryland's girlfriend of 2 years. Ryland always told you if you ever needed him to text him no matter if he was asleep, on stage or even super super busy. It was show time for Ry and he was out on stage DJing for the fans when you got a tweet from some fans giving you hate. Some fans approved of you guys, some didn't. The hate wasn't too bad until this one tweet didn't set well with you. @F/N "@Y/U/N is so annoying! She is just using Ry, he deserves so much better. Can we please start a petition or something to get her out of his life " As you read the tweet Stormie was standing next to you reading it as well. Tears started forming in your eyes and she noticed. You couldn't hold it back anymore. Stormie pulled you in for a hug and started to text Ryland. When he read the text, he looked over and saw you crying. " I made a promise to someone very special to me and I'm going to keep that promise " Ryland said into the microphone. He walked over to the middle of the stage and pulled you into a tight, comforting hug. " I told you I'd keep that promise " he whispered into your ear. You looked up at him and gave him the sweetest, longest kiss.


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