Ross Imagine for Kaitlynn

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School was a struggle for you. Bullies were all around you, every corner you turned and every class you took. You couldn't ever catch a break. Words spread throughout the school and several rumors were started by guys because let's face it... men are ass'. Despite school, you lived next door to your best friend, Rydel. Rydel was an amazing friend. She was there for you basically no matter what. You guys had been best friends since you moved to Cali and you just so happened to like her brother, Ross. She was so supportive of you liking him and she swears one day you and him will end up together. These past few days the bullying had been getting worse. You were getting threats on social media from this guy named Phil. Besides all of that, your life was great being friends with the Lynches. Today you were going with the family to the park to play a little game of football. You weren't big on the game so you stayed to the side with Rydel and had a girl talk. " So how's everything going? " Rydel questioned " What do you mean? " you were confused " How are things with you and Ross? Have you told him you like him? " Your eyes got huge " Rydel... shush! I don't want him to hear! No I haven't and I'm not going to " you felt yourself blushing a little as you started thinking about Ross. " You really should, you never know where things will lead " thinking about what might happen, you started feeling nervous. As much as you wanted to tell him, you just couldn't. You and Rydel were watching the boys play as a guy came up to you two. He roughly grabbed your arm and pulled you away. When you finally caught a glimpse of him, you immediately knew who it was... Phil. " What do you want from me? " you asked as he pulled you off. Rydel yelled to the boys to get their attention. You could hear her screaming in the background. Out of nowhere, a punch went across Phil's face. It was Ross. He immediately grabbed you and pulled you back to the group. The guy was out cold. Getting back to the group, Ross pulled you into a tight hug comforting you. " Thank you " you whispered into his ear. In the middle of the hug, you hear Rydel clear her throat. You two pull away from each other when you see her give you the look to tell him. You took a deep breath and said " Look Ross... " you were interrupted by his soothing voice " I like you " taken back by his words, you were blown away with a kiss. The kiss lasted for what felt like forever when he pulled away. " I like you too Ross " he smiled and took a deep breathe " So... now that we know the truth about each other, will you be my girlfriend? " you couldn't help but smile and kiss him again " Yes, of course! " You two ended up together like Rydel said after all.


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