Ross Imagine: Fan Hate

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You and Ross had just started dating after being best friends for over 10 years. The R5 family wasn't really supportive of the relationship but it was only the beginning. Both of you recently came out with your relationship and asked for kindness and love for you both, Stormie even posted tons of pictures of you two. Everything was perfectly fine until you started getting texts and twitter messages that were very harsh. Being Ross, nobody was angry at him, just mostly you. It was very confusing. You did nothing wrong to him nor the fans, they just didn't want you to be happy. You were sitting in their dressing room waiting for everyone to get back from their meet and greet when your phone went off about 10 times back to back. " @Y/U/N GET OUT OF ROSS' LIFE!!! "
That same tweet sent to you over and over again. You dropped your phone in your lap as tears started forming in your eyes. As soon as everyone walked in, you just broke down. Ross saw the tears streaming down your face and instantly rushed to your side. " Woah woah woah... what's wrong? " Ross was trying to comfort you as much as he could but all you could do was sob. You couldn't speak, all you could do was cry. Ross cuddled you into his chest and rubbed your back, trying to calm you down. " Babe, you have to tell me what's wrong. I want to help you, please tell me " Everyone left you two alone to talk and knew you'd need each other. You totally forgot you left your twitter open on your phone, and that was the first thing Ross noticed. He grabbed your phone and scrolled through your notifications. He got to the exact one and just stared at it. " Baby, please please please don't listen to these. You're perfect and I need you in my life. These fans are just jealous and don't realize how much they're hurting you. I love you so much and nobody can take you away from me. " You started to calm down and looked up at his gorgeous face. I HAD TO😂 you both smiled at each as you leaned in for a kiss. The kiss lasted a while and all you could do was smile. You realized how amazing your boyfriend was and how lucky you are to have him. " I love you too " you told him, being your first time saying the ' L ' word to each other.


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