Ross Imagine for Carissa

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Ross has been your best friend for 10 years ever since you moved next door to the Lynches, you knew everything there was to know about each other. He had invited you over to their house to hang out all day. You guys were playing video games when your phone buzzed in your back pocket. You looked at your phone and it just happened to be a text from your boyfriend. Your smile dropped when you realized it was a breakup text, and apparently he cheated on you. Tears streamed down your face when you ran to the nearest bathroom. You slammed the door and locked it shut, sliding down as you tucked your knees to your chest sobbing. You just couldn't believe after a year and a half , he cheated on you. You finally calmed down a little bit when you heard a knock on the door, making you jump. " Carissa... please let me in " it was Ross. You stood up, wiped your tear stained face and unlocked the door. " Hey, Hey, Hey. What's wrong " he wrapped his arms around you and held you close. You sobbed even harder into his chest, squeezing his shirt. He rubbed circles on your back trying his hardest to calm you down while he kissed your hair. You calmed down and pulled away looking in the mirror. " Will you please tell me what's wrong? " he deserved to know. " Um... Y/BF/N cheated on me and broke up with me " his mouth dropped open and eyes got huge. " I'll kill him!! He's an idiot " " Ross no... forget it " he knew you were serious by the look in your eyes " Can we just go watch a movie and get my mind off of him? " he shook his head ' yes ' to your words. You both went and sat on the couch and turned on ' Beauty and the Beast '. Throughout the movie he pulled you in closer to his side cuddling you. He knew just how to make you feel better. " Carissa... there's something I need to tell you. " you were nervous about what it would be. You looked up at him as he said " I think I have feelings for you and they are not going away. I know you just got out of a relationship and you probably don't feel the same way but... " you cut him off by kissing him on the lips. Smiling into the kiss, you ended up kissing for what seemed like forever. Finally, you pulled away looking into his eyes. " I have feelings for you too Ross " You both smiled and kissed once again. You guys finished the movie and fell asleep on the couch together. He finally got the girl of his dreams and you got the guy of your dreams.


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