Riker Imagine for Vikki

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You and Riker have been dating for a while now and he invited you to go on tour with him and the band. R5 was on their European tour and tonight was a show in Paris, the city of love. You, Stormie, Mark, Jeff, and Diamond were all standing backstage watching the show from the side, trying to stay away from the crazy crowd. They all ran off stage to take a breather before their encore when Riker came over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist to give you a long, passionate kiss. " You look so beautiful tonight " He knew just how to make you blush. His eyes were glistening in the light just like his face from all the sweat. " I love you " he smiled at your words and gave you one last kiss before running back on stage. They started to play their cover of ' The Chain by Fleetwood Mac ' making the beat of the music very powerful. Tonight you decided to tell Riker a surprise you had been hiding for a couple of weeks now... that you were pregnant. Nobody knew besides you and you were honestly scared to tell everyone, especially him. You felt two weeks had been long enough to keep it from him, so tonight was the night. The song just ended when they took a tiny break on stage to get some water. Once he was done, he went up to the mic " I have something very special and important that I want to do right here, right now " he looked a bit nervous, especially because he was stuttering. " Vikky will you come out here please? " you were confused. Rydel came out from behind her keyboard and grabbed your hand to pull you on stage. She lead you over to Riker until he grabbed your hand and looked you straight in the eyes. " I know you are probably really confused right now... " all you could do was laugh " But I've been wanting to do this for a long time now. Vikki, I have loved you ever since you and Rydel became best friends and I'm so glad she met you. I have loved your gorgeous eyes, your unique smile and I have definitely always loved your personality. You're so amazingly beautiful and are so incredibly passionate. So what I'm trying to say is... i can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you... " your eyes were tearing up at his words. You knew exactly what was coming next and you just couldn't wait. " Will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me? " Tears streamed down your face as you said " YES ". He stood up and hugged you tightly as he picked you up and spun you around. He placed the gorgeous ring on your finger and mouthed ' I love you '. You grabbed his face and kissed him sweetly as everyone ran out on stage and gave you guys a big group hug. Everyone backed up, leaving the crowd screaming drastically. You grabbed the microphone from Riker and took a deep breath. " I actually just remembered, I have a surprise for you too... well actually all of you " you said as you looked around at everyone. " Baby... I'm pregnant " his eyes grew as he processed the news. You closed your eyes hoping for a positive reaction, just as you felt two strong arms wrap around you. He broke the hug and looked at you. " Are you serious? " he asked, smiling. " 100%. " tears streamed down your face again. He stroked his thumb over your cheek wiping the tears gently. " I'm going to be a daddy " he said turning to his parents. " I'm so happy for you two " Stormie and Mark said at the same time. Riker ran up to you and lifted you up in another hug leaving you laughing. He placed you down kissing you harder than before. " I love you so so much, you have no idea " He said as Rydel came and hugged you. The band finished the show off with ' Did You Have Your Fun? ' while you and his parents stood backstage watching. You watched your fiancé do what he loves as you put your hand over your stomach thinking about how amazing the future is going to be.


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