Ellington Imagine for Hayli

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" Ell, I'm nervous " You said sitting in the car outside of the restaurant, waiting to meet his parents for the first time. " Babe... there's nothing to be nervous about, they're going to love you. " You took a deep breathe and stepped out of the car. He locked it and grabbed your hand walking to the door. As a gentleman, Ellington opened the door for you leading you to the table. " Hi honey, how are you? " Cheryl approached her son and gave him a tight squeeze " Hi mom, I'm good. This is Y/N. " She turned to you, giving you a certain look. " Hi nice to finally meet you " You said smiling. Everyone took a seat and began talking about random things. " So are you two living together? " You and Ellington glanced at each other, looking for words. " Um yes, we are. " you said taking a deep breathe. " Oh, so Ellington gets to see your awful choice in clothing everyday. " Your mouth went wide as you shifted in your seat uncomfortably. Ellington looked pissed. " MOM, how could you say that? " Tears started forming in your eyes and Ellington noticed. He started rubbing your back to calm you down as you wiped the tears away. " No offense to you " She said looking over at you " But you could do so much better Ellington. You're not happy, I can tell. " Ellington's face was pale. He was lost for words. You were honestly scared of what would come next. " Ok first of all... I am so happy, only because of her. I'm in love with her, ok? She is beautiful, amazing and so sweet just the way she is. If you can't except my happiness or the love of my life, then I'm out of here. " He was dead serious by his tone. You knew you had found the perfect one after hearing those words. " Fine. I'll accept her, only because I love you and I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry Y/N. " You weren't so convinced but you took it. After you all finished eating, you left and got into the car. He was silent and just stared into space. " Ell I'm sorry, I shouldn't have came. " you said bursting into tears again. He turned to face you and looked you straight into the eyes. " Y/N listen to me. Don't apologize, this is not your fault at all. I love you and that's all that matters, ok? Don't listen to her. " You smiled, taking a deep breath. " Ok... I love you so much. " His lips were pressed against yours as a sigh of relief escaped his mouth. After pulling away, you two drove home and watched movies the rest of the night.


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