Ross Imagine for Kimmi

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Tonight you and Ross were going out on a romantic date. He's been gone all day today while you were stuck at your shared home. The date was at 7 pm and it was currently 5:30, so you decided to go ahead and jump in the shower. After you showered, you dried your hair and straightened it to make sure there were no curly pieces. Ross wouldn't tell you where you were going tonight so you decided to just wear skinny jeans, a cute tank, a leather jacket and some combat boots with heels. Once you finished getting dressed, you made your way to your living room to get your purse ready. Putting your keys, phone, chapstick and wallet in your purse, you suddenly were interrupted by a knock on the door. You quickly opened the door and were met by a smiling Ross holding a bouquet of Roses. You smiled " What are you doing? " You asked taking the roses from him " I'm setting the romantic mood " you walked into the kitchen putting the flowers in a vase of water as he followed behind you. " You look hot tonight " his words made you blush. You turned around grabbing his hand, leading him to the door. " Thank you " you replied smiling. You both got into the car and drove to the location. He parked the car and got out, running to my side. As you were getting out of the car, Ross stopped you. " Wait! Put this on " he handed you a red blindfold. " Ross, how am I supposed to see to walk? " you asked as you put the blindfold on. " Babe... I'll guide you, don't worry. " he led you over to the sand and walked for what seemed like forever until he stopped. " Ok you can take your blindfold off " you took it off to be standing in front of the gorgeous set up Ross prepared. ( THINK OF THIS AS THE SETTING IN TEEN BEACH MOVIE 2 ) The beach was filled with string lights going from palm tree to palm tree, lighting up the whole area. Lawn chairs set up with champagne and beautiful flowers. " Is this where you've been all day? " you asked curiously " Yep... what do you think? " you smiled and grabbed his hand " I love it... thank you " he leaned in and kissed your cheek, leaving shivers down your spine. " There's a reason I brought you here though... it's not just a normal date " you were confused as ever but knew you could trust him. " Baby... thank you for making these last 3 years amazing, idk where I'd be if I hadn't ever met you. I'm so in love with you, it's unreal. I'm not really good at this sweet talk stuff so I'm going to skip to the point... I can't imagine my life without you. " his voice began to sound shaky as he got down on one knee " Will you do me the honor of marrying me? " you were in complete shock but all you wanted to say was " Yes! Yes yes yes! I love you so much Ross shor " he stood back up and picked you up, kissing you and spinning around. He set you down not leaving each other's arms. The rest of the night, you two cuddled against one of the palm trees and watched the moon beam on the beautiful ocean.


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