The Way I Feel Part 2

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" Look... I love you! More than a friend, always have and always will... that's the way I feel. I can't hide these feelings anymore. I know you don't feel the sa... " you were cut off by a sweet passionate kiss. Leaving you completely shocked, he pulled away and stared into your eyes. " I love you too. I always have, ever since we first met. "

" So... think I can tell everyone tonight during the show and possibly on social media that we're together? " Ross asked as you two were laying in the back lounge of the bus playing video games. " Um, ya sure " you said with an unsure tone. " Why don't you sound for sure? " You took a deep breathe and finally said " I am sure... I want to tell everyone but I'm just a little scared honestly. " You were nervous for what he was going to say next. He sat up and turned the tv off turning to you. " Y/N everyone knows you. You've been our best friends for years now, the fans love you. Why the heck are you scared? " " I know Ross, but I'm just scared of the hate that's going to come. Yeah they know me as the best friend of your family but once they find out we're together, all hells going to break loose. " You said with a slight chuckle. " Baby... The hate comes with it, but I'm going to be here with you the whole entire way. I'm not going to let a lot of fake crap break us up, and I know you're not either. It's ok to be scared, but just know that you can always come to me because I'm going to be here. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, ok? " Letting those words sink in, you smiled to yourself. " Thanks Ross, that means a lot. " You said  sharing a kiss with him.


The band was in the middle of an amazing show, while you were standing backstage with momma Lynch. The song ended when Ross made an announcement out to the crowd " Before we go into our next song, I have something I want to share with everyone. I'm sure every one of you guys know our best friend Y/N right? " The crowd cheered with excitement. " Well... Y/N and I decided to be more than just friends last night after our other show. She is actually here with us tonight... come on out Y/N " The crowd screamed as you made your way out to the stage. Ross reached out and grabbed your hand, squeezing it giving you a sign that everything was ok. " See, everyone loves you, but I love you more " He said to you privately as you two hugged. Pulling away from the hug, he gave you a smirk and leaned down to give you a kiss. You pulled away and smiled. " See you after the show babe " Ross said letting go of your hand as you walked to the side of the stage next to Stormie. " Well... That's the way I feel about her " Ross announced into the mic, shrugging his shoulders.


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