Ryland Imagine for Emily

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You and Ry were currently getting ready in your shared home to go to the beach with the Lynches. You decided to wear a bright purple bikini with wavy hair and some cute heart sunglasses. https://www.venus.com/viewproduct.aspx?BRANCH=24~90~&ProductDisplayID=32400 " Babe, are you ready? " Ryland walked through the door of your shared room, checking on you. " Ya... How do I look? " you asked him as he made his way over to you. He grabbed your waist pulling you closer as you put your arms around his neck. " You look hot " he smirked at his own words. He gave you a quick peck on the lips and pulled away. You guys walked out of your room and made your way down to the car.

~~~~~~Skip to the beach~~~~~~

You just arrived at the beach and were currently going to meet his family. " Hey guys " Rydel yelled as you made your way over to the group. " Hey Delly " You said giving her a hug. You went over to your lounge chairs and started to take off your cover up when Ryland grabbed your hand pulling you over to the water. " Baaaabbbbeeee " you didn't really want to go in just yet. You got in ankle deep and it was freezing. Ryland got in deeper and deeper while you literally ran out and watched him. Rydel came and stood by you until Ryland came out of the water trying to pull you in with him. You tried your hardest to fight the pull " Ry no! Don't do it " he kept pulling and pulling leaving you laughing. He pulled you in knee deep only to find out it was even more cold. " Ry it's freezing... can I please go back? " your teeth were chattering " sorry babe, I just want some alone time with you " all you could do was laugh " We literally live together baby " he once again grabbed you by the waist " yeah but I don't do this very often " he slowly went in for a kiss. You two kissed for what felt like forever until you pulled away. " You always do that " You both smiled " I don't see a problem with it though " he said as you both laughed and kissed again. You all spent the rest of the day together having fun.


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