Ryland Imagine: Romantic concert dance

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Tonight was an L.A. show and all of the girlfriends were there to support their love's. You were in the back sitting with Ry as he was directing the lights for the show. " So tonight we all wanted to do something super special since our girls are here tonight " Ross announced out to the crowd " let's get Y/N, Vanni, Courtney and even Rydel up here with their guys " the crowd cheered as the girls made there way to the stage. " Come on babe " Ryland stood up and took your hand leaving you confused as ever " Ryland what? No! I don't want to " You were honestly scared to death. Scared of the hate. Scared about how the crowd will react. Scared to even check your phone after this. " We would like to dance the night away with these beauties " Ross sweetly kissed Courtney and began dancing. You both got backstage when it suddenly hit you. You stopped in your tracks as tears started welling in your eyes. Ryland turned around and noticed your reaction. " hey what's wrong? " he was really concerned " I can't. I'm scared. It's too much " you had always been insecure and had always worried about what other thought of you, even though you knew it shouldn't get to you. " Baby... take my hand. " you took his hand and he lead you onto the stage.  Rydel was dancing with Ellington. Courtney was with Ross. Vanni was with Riker, and Rocky played the music. Ryland noticed the fear in your eyes and instantly whispered in your ear " It's just you and me, nobody else is in this room. " you couldn't help but smile to yourself. You all started dancing as your eyes observed the room. " Hey. Look me in the eyes. Remember it's just you and me, forget everyone else. I love you... ok? " You stared at his precious lips and said " I love you too " You two shared a sweet kiss and danced the night away with R5.


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