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155. The interrogative temporal adverb kiam (123) is also used as a relative temporal adverb, with tiam or an equivalent word or phrase for its antecedent. (It may not be omitted as in English "at the time he came"):

Mi suspektis lin je la tempo kiam li venisI suspected him at the time when he came (the time that he came).

Li defendis sin tiam, kiam oni atakis linhe defended himself then, when he was attacked.

Mi ankoraŭ sidos tie ĝis kiam vi venosI shall still sit there until when you come (until you come).

Post kiam li tiel laŭte kriis, li komencis ploriafter he shouted so loudly, he began to cry.


156. The interrogative adverb kiel (134) is also used as a relative adverb of manner and degree, with tiel, or same, or an equivalent adverb or phrase for its antecedent. It may often be translated "as:"

Mi defendis min tiel, kiel li defendis sinI defended myself in that way in which (way) he defended himself.

Vi ne estas tiel kruela kiel liyou are not so cruel as he (is).

Ili batis lin same kiel vithey beat him in the same way as you (did).

Ili batis lin same kiel vinthey beat him the same as (they did) you.

Kiel mi diris al li, mi estas feliĉaas I told him, I am happy (antecedent not expressed).

Li parolis tiel mallaŭte kiel antaŭehe spoke as softly as before.

Ŝi estas tiel bona kiel ŝi estas belashe is as good as she is fair.


157. Nouns may be formed from the cardinals by addition of the ending -o. After such nouns the preposition da or de is used:

dekduoa dozen.

dudekoa score.

dekoa ten, half a score.

centoa hundred.

miloa thousand.

unuoa unit.

kvaroa four, a quartette.

trioa three, a trio.

The prepositions da and de follow nouns (99, 100) or adverbs (101), while el follows adjectives in the superlative degree (75), cardinal numerals (138), and the pronouns tiu, kiu (106), etc.: dekduo da ovoj, a dozen (of) eggs. dekduo de la ovoj, a dozen of the eggs. dek du el tiuj ovoj, twelve of those eggs. kiu el la ovoj? which one of the eggs? tiu el la ovoj, that one of the eggs. la plej freŝa el la ovoj, the freshest of the eggs.

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