88. The demonstrative adverb of manner and degree, related to the demonstrative pronoun tiu, is tiel, in that (this) manner, in such a way, thus, so. Like English "thus," "so," tiel may modify adjectives and other adverbs, by indicating degree:
Ĉu oni tiel helpas amikon? Does one help a friend in that (this) way?
Mi ĝin skribis tiel, I wrote it thus (in such a way).
La vetero estas tiel bela, the weather is so beautiful.
Tiel mallonge li parolis, thus briefly he spoke.
Mi trovis tiel belan floron, I found such a beautiful flower.
Li prenis tiel multe, he took that much (so much).
89. The relations which prepositions express may be of various kinds. As in English, a certain number of prepositions primarily expressing place may also express time-relations. Such prepositions are antaŭ, ĉirkaŭ, de, en, ĝis, inter, post, and je (whose use in other than time-relations will be explained later):
Mi foriros ĉirkaŭ junio, I shall depart about June.
De tiu horo mi estis via amiko, from that hour I was your friend.
Li ne parolis al mi de tiu semajno, he did not speak to me since from) that week.
En la tuta monato ne neĝis, it did not snow in (at any time within) the entire month.
Mi dormis ĝis malfrua horo, I slept until (up to) a late hour.
Ĝis nun li ne vidis vin, until now he did not see you.
Inter marto kaj junio mi iros tien, between March and June I shall go there.
Je malfrua horo li foriris, at a late hour he went away.
Mi iros tien je dimanĉo, I shall go there on Sunday.
Je tiu horo li vokis min, at that hour he called me.
Ŝi ne restis tie post julio, she did not stay there after July.
Post ne longe mi vokos vin, soon (after not long) I shall call you.
90. When a definite date or point in time is expressed, antaŭ means "before." When used with an expression of an amount of time, it is to be translated by "ago" following the expression (not by "before" preceding it):
Antaŭ dimanĉo mi foriros, before Sunday I shall go away.
Mi vidis lin antaŭ tiu horo, I saw him before that hour.
Li skribos ĝin antaŭ la nova jaro, he will write it before New Year.
Antaŭ multaj jaroj mi trovis ĝin, many years ago I found it.