269. Permission is usually expressed by the use of permesi, lasi, or the imperative mood:
Ĉu vi permesas ke mi restu? May I (do you permit me to) stay?
Jes, mi permesas (jes, restu), yes, you may (yes, stay).
Ne estas permesate eniri tien, it is not allowed to enter there.
Lasu lin veni, let him come.
270. The idea of possibility or probability is given by the use of some such adverb as eble, kredeble, verŝajne, etc.:
Eble li obeos al vi, he may (perhaps he will) obey you.
Kredeble li sukcesos, probably he will succeed.
Verŝajne vi estas prava, you are probably right.
Eble oni lin savus, they might (possibly they would) save him.
Ili nepre ne batis lin, they could not have (surely did not) beat him.
Tio estas neebla! That can not be (that is impossible)!
271. Words formed with the prefix ge- indicate the two sexes together:
gepatroj, parents.
geavoj, grandparents.
genepoj, grandchildren.
gefiloj, son(s) and daughter(s).
gefratoj, brother(s) and sister(s).
geedzoj, husband(s) and wife (wives).
gesinjoroj, Mr. and Mrs., lady (ladies) and gentleman (gentlemen).
272. The suffix -aĉ- has a disparaging significance:
domaĉo, a hovel.
hundaĉo, a cur.
obstinaĉa, obstinate.
pentraĉi, to daub.
popolaĉo, rabble, mob.
ridaĉi, to guffaw.
273. Interjections are words used to express feeling or call attention. Among the more common interjections are:
Adiaŭ! Farewell! (171).
Fi! Fie!
Ho! Oh! Ho!
Hura! Hurrah!
Nu! Well!
Ve! Woe! (Ho ve! Alas!).