Need of a technopath

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Third person p.o.v
'Get ready for the X weapon' said Ryan
The robot has been fighting a monster ,with no weapons working on it their last hope is X weapon.
In 5 mins the weapon turns the monster into ooze,they all celebrate until they saw Ryan fainting.
They all run to him.
'Rye! Get up!'said mark ,worried.
'Let's get him to the lab.'
Mark carries his baby brother to the lab. He opens his eyes
'Rye ! Are you okay?'
'Ya, just fine. What happened?'
' You fainted after using the weapon.'
' Hmmm...the problem is X weapon ,it needs huge amount of energy.Although it works , it takes your whole energy.'said Harris after the results.
'But I recover every time.'
'Ya you recover ,but continuous damage can harm you.'
'What can we do?' Asked spider ,thinkingly.
' We need more energy,since it will be dangerous or you can say its impossible to increase Ryan's power ,we need another source of energy.'
'You mean another technopath.',said spider praising himself,'See, I know stuff.' Others rolled their eyes.
' Let's talk to leo about this.' Ryan is excited to find more like him.
'Another technopath?' Said Leo,' I don't know.'
'You don't have any idea?' Asked mark
'Well, I have a list of those people whom I experimented on,most of them are dead.But they me adopted like you Ryan.' He replied
'Now what we have to do is to find him/her.'
'He /she must be aware of his/her powers.'
'Send me the list of those people ,maybe I can find them.' Said Harris
'Thnx,got it.'
' Now I have to go.' Said Leo taking his backpack.'
'Where are you going?'
' Now you've given me an idea , about an technopath,we have to find him/her'

Hope you all liked it.I'll be updating soon.
Pls comment

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