At the park

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Ryan p.o.v.

'Fine! Do what you want!' And she went away.

'Dude! Stop it!'said mark.

'Don't come in between.'

'No! She's right. It's enough. We know you're hurt but at least talk to her. Don't try to fool me,you're only that Ryan who always used to ask,'what will be jess doing now? Will she like this?' Don't say that you hate her.'

'How could she do that?' I finally spoke up,' I felt-i felt so sad,hurt. I thought she trusted me, I thought she will never hide anything from me.

'She was scared that you'll break up with her. And now  you are doing that only. Do you know this week has been a mess for her? You were angry from her and Ben kept teasing her. Don't let time run out of your hands,I don't what you to regret anything later. Listen dude,I'm not gonna pressurize you but I suggest you to go after her,you won't get a girl like her every time.' And he went away.

His words acted like a slap on my face. I felt to mentally kill myself.

I need to find jess! Right now!

I called her. But she didn't picked up.

Where she could be? Where she could be?

At the park!

I raced to the park. There sat Jess,sitting at her spot.

I sat beside her and rested my head on her shoulder.

'Jess,how are you strong?' She kept looking away. I continued,'I'm sorry Jess, I shouldn't have behaved like that. I was hurt. I didn't thought about you. I'm sorry.'

She hugged me. I felt tears on my shoulders.
'I'm sorry,I'm so sorry Ryan. I just didn't wanted to lose you. I'm sorry.'

'No,its fine Jess. But promise you aren't going to hide anything from me.'

'Promise Ryan, I promise.'

I cleared her tears and kissed her on forehead.

'Now,let's deal with that Ben.' I said smirking.

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