The new beginning

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Jessica p.o.v.

I came back to my room and locked the door. My heart was pounding as if it will some out of my chest at anytime. I touched my face I was blushing red,lobster red.

Ryan is the first person who has cared that much for me or the person who has cared for me. When he said that I can tell him anything and he will forget it all, I looked at him , the mini me inside me yelled,'Kiss him!'

I don't if I'm ready to be in a relationship with him, but one thing is clear I'm ready for the new beginning.

Ryan's p.o.v.

I didn't slept the whole night, you are right I was thinking about Jess.

Mark called me in the morning from downstairs,'Ryan,come down! Jess has called all of us!'

I ran down fastly, the mech x4, now Mech x5, group was present there . Jess was there too. Well,she had a glow on her face today.

'Well,guys, yesterday what happened of course was painful, but I've decided to move on and start new. I hope you all will help.'

'Aww jess.'

'Of course , we will.' Mark assured her.

'Can we call this Mech x5?'asked spider, like last time,hoping a different answer this time.

'Ya, you can.'

She hugged everyone, one by one, lastly me. I thought she wouldn't hugg me, recalling what happened last night .

Well,She.Hugged.Me.  Best day ever!

'OK guys, down feelings side, now I've to get ready for the school.'she said lightning the mood, and went to her room

So, jess has finally decided to move on. But will she be able to be in a relationship?

Keep reading to find out!

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