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Jess p.o.v.

I was getting ready for the assembly,I really hope it goes well.

I smile as I remember my journey till here. Good or bad but memorable memories.

There was a knock on the door.

'Ryan? Come in.'

A pair of hands slipped from my back to my waist. I smiled.

'I bought something for you. Show me your hand.'

I got confused but gave in. He slipped a bracelet into my hand. It was given from my mom,at the day when the accident happened. I never removed it. But during fighting those two jerks, I lost it. I never told Ryan about this.

'How did you got this?'

'Well, I understood that this was important to you so I recovered it from the book shop.'

I was speechless,lost for words.
'Thank you Ryan, thank you for everything.' I hugged him and he hugged back.

My eye colour was pink and rainbow, I was both in love and happy.

Back stage

We were at the backstage when we got a message from Harris,' MONSTER ATTACK! AT THE ROBOT! ASAP!'

Agh! I really hope we'll get back in time.

We both ran to the robot. Clawboon!


'Not again. Can't they get something new?'smirked Mark.

We were about to attack when we heard another roar.  Octoconda!

'Is this good?' I snapped back.

'Spider! Plasma punch!'

We were about to attack at octoconda when clawboon attacked at us. It injured us badly, from 'badly' I mean literally badly.

Spider began,'Guys,if we don't make it out alive let me tell you I love you all,although I never said it, you mean a lot to feels so emotional,I  never knew dying can be so good.'

'Shut up!' We all snapped at him.

'Only if we can divide them.'

'Ya,as two kids fighting over lollipop....speaking of lollipop, I want it now.' Joked spider.

'Not helping!' Yeller Ryan in pain.

'Not possib-...wait,wow spider! A brilliant idea.' I said as I got an idea.

'Really?' He asked amused with himself.

'Look guys,they are on both sides,so don't attack,just dodge.' I said.


I explained my idea to them. So clawboon attacked us and we dodged it which hit octoconda, and then octoconda punched us which in turn hit clawboon.

I controlled my laugh as the 2 weird creatures fought with each other.

'Good idea,jess.'

I'm so smart. No claps please! No need!

Harpers p.o.v.

No! This isn't good! I thought human beings were most foolish,but these ooze creatures are more! Agh!

Jess p.o.v.

'X weapon!'

We used the weapon and the monsters turned into ooze. This time it was a little painful as monsters were 2.

We all group hugged.

'Well,you can give some good ideas,even by mistake, spider.' Said Mark.

'You just took his name correctly.' I pointed out.

'Really?'asked Mark.

'Try it again.' Suggested Harris.


'Leave it!'

At school

'Jess! Ryan! Where were you? Go take your positions!' The teacher instructed.

We took our positions and the music started. We entered the stage with me and Ryan leading.

These 2 months changed my life,from who thought life was nothing to someone loving. I have got a lady who's cheering me in the crowd,that's my mom! I've got friends,who are also cheering, all kind of friends,a daredevil,a textbook,and an overconfident walker. And this boy, Ryan, dancing with me,whom I love. Sometimes I want to tell the world that we are the hero of the robot. But there are secrets that everyone has and secrets that are kept from you. Although,we didn't get Harper,I'm sure he'll be back and we will be ready.
I've learned that life is one and to be enjoyed. I'm happy........

The end

Pls read the next authors note. Its about sequel. I'm gonna update this note the following day.

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