Thank you

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Jessica p.o.v.

I was cycling with my headphones on.
'Are you okay? Can I accompany you? Fight! Can we call you Jess?'

Ryan's words were echoing in my head. My cheeks were hurting, I realised I've been smiling a lot. I don't what happened back there at the robot, I was feeling relieved, my team made me feel it,especially Ryan.

Am I liking him? No! I can't let it happen,no!

Ryan's p.o.v.

'Harper must have figured out that jessica is a new technopath, that's why harper built a monster that tortured her mentally.' Harris said.

'Agh! Can't he leave us alone?' Asked spider.

The thought of harper torturing Jess, made me wanting to punch his face.

'How's your leg?'asked mark, snapping me out of my thoughts.

'Huh.....ya, just fine.'

'Don't worry it'll heal in a week.'

After 1 week

Harris called us at the robot for giving us some news. But he didn't called jess, don't know why.
But its good , I also want to tell them something.

'Hey! Its been a month since Jess joined the team, don't you think we should give a party to her.' I knew she didn't liked parties,but we'll hang out, might she will feel comfortable.

'Well, as long as she doesn't have any problem,we're cool with that.' They all replied.

They were right,we've to ask her first. I called her,'Hey jess! Would you like to hang out tomorrow?'

'Why? Anything special?'

'Um....' I looked at others,'tell her the truth.' They mouthed, they were right,'Well, we want you to give a party.'



'Cool!....' I hanged up the phone,'So, harris what was the news.'

'I found Jessica's father, he works in an ore mine.'

'Oh harris! You made my day! It'll be her surprise.'

They all were happy but looking at me with 'you are cheesy' look.

Jessica p.o.v.

'Um....okay.' I replied hesitantly, and hung up the phone.

It'll be a good opportunity to thank them all.

Third person p.o.v.

They all went to a movie, ate ice cream and talked about themselves.

They all were at the robot, when Jess stood up to say something.

'Um...guys,' Agh! Why is it difficult to thank someone? She thought to herself,' I wanted to thank you all, for everything, just....thank you all.'

'Awe...can I hug you?' Asked spider.

'No,you can't.' Replied Jess and Ryan at the same time.

Mark went 'Ohh.'

'Well, jess there's a surprise for you,'began Harris,'I..'they all gave him a look,' I mean we - we found your dad, he works in the ore mine.'

'Oh Harris, thank you, I love you!'she hugged him, excitedly, then realised the situation and backed up saying,'Well, it came out wrong way.'

Harris was blushing.

'You don't have to blush.' Ryan snapped at him, jealously. L

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