Her story

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At the robot.
Ryan p.o.v.
We all were at the robot,waiting for Leo. I was the most excited, I'm gonna meet someone like me.

Finally Leo emerged,'I got her.' There was a girl behind her. About my age, blue eyes,5'5 height , with denim and shirts.

Its Jessica!

(This is what I think Jessica looks like

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(This is what I think Jessica looks like.)

'This is Jessica. And I think you all know her.'said Leo.
We all four were shocked.

Jessica took one step forward and said,' My guess was right , you were the other technopath Ryan, I was getting technopathic vibes from you.'

I came back to the real world from the world of thoughts.
'So,those were technopathic vibes, I can't believe it,its you.'

We all four go together into a 'wow'.

'So can we call this Mech x5?'asked spider,cheering.

'No,you can't.' She replied,crushing his joy,'I am not here for long.' With that ,she went to look around the robot.
'Why's she so weird,always alone?'

'She's broken.' Said Leo ,sadly.

'Really?she looks fine,she walks perfectly.'said spider.
'Shut silver.' Said mark.

' Shut it spider, I meant emotionally broken. At the age of 4, she was in a car with her parents. Mysteriously,they died in an accident,but she survived. She was taken by a lady to the adoption center, where the lady worked. She was taken into many families but none of them pleased her. Then there was a family,the first family she loved after her own family. But her powers started emerging,the family suspected her for electronics going weird . Then one day, the son of the family died in an accident. She was blamed for it,she was declared a monster,locked in a dark room for days,a priest was called,she was beaten. She was just 6 by then. The lady took her back. She didn't smiled after that. When she was coming to baycity,the lady ,the only person she loves,was killed. That broke her completely. She is afraid of dark even now,she sleeps with lights on.'

'How did you know all this?'asked Mark

' I got this from the adoption agency. I tracked her and met her. I asked her about coming to the robot,she refused. She only came on one condition, she want to revenge harper for the lady's and her parents death. And wants to know if her father is alive, they found mother's body but not father's.'

I was quiet.
'She's so strong.' I said.

' Ya, she is ,mentally and physically .  She has mastered he powers and can fight. But she doesn't cry. It would have been better if she cried.' Said Leo,'  I hope she will grow with you all,and......now I have to get to work.'

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