Let's enjoy!

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Jess p.o.v.

Every thing is back to normal,except for Ben.

'Hello cutie.'

Not again.

'I was planning to tell your boyfriend everything. Should I ?'

'Give it a try. But let me tell you,it isn't nice to tease a girl.'

'That too our friend.' Came Harris.

'Our very close friend.'followed by spider

'Our best friend.'and Mark.

'That too my girlfriend.' And last but not the least,my boyfriend Ryan.

His face looked as if you leave a mouse between cats. I had to stop my laugh otherwise it would've ruined the moment.

'Um...jess,'he began.

'Its Jessica.' I cut him off.

'Ya Jessica,actually my pride destroyed when you left me,so I decided to revenge you,I'll never do it again,please leave me.' His every word invited me to give him a punch.

'Then, listen you piece of crap,it was you who cheated me,I left you cause you deserved it. But did you left me when I told you to?' I punched him in the knee causing him to fall down. I twisted his wrist at his back.

'If you even thought of her,I'll make sure that YOU.ARE.DEAD.' Said Ryan.

'Its not a threat','said Mark.
'Its a warning,'continued by spider.
'A very serious one.'finished by Harris.

I pushed him and he fell with a thud. He ran way.

I hugged all of then,'I'm SO SO relieved.'

'Hey,let's go to Ski World (a artificial snow park) tomorrow.'

Next day

We went to Ski  World the next day. I was wearing a very cute outfit. The boys were winking at me. At first I hated it,but when I saw Ryan getting jealous, I enjoyed it.

But one of them was whistling and commenting. He was from our school,Charlie. He was crossing his limit.

'Hey princess! What are you doing with this jerk?' He came to me and pointed at Ryan.

'Well,I'm not a princess and he's not a jerk.'

'Than what he is?'

'My boyfriend, I think this will be enough to shut you off.' He went away.

But he kept commenting,Ryan was getting angry.

Charlie said something to his friends and approached Ryan,'Well,let's make a deal,let's play snowball fight,who hits correct 10,will win. If I win I will take YOUR girlfriend on a date with ME.'

I knew Ryan would decline,but to my surprise he agreed. He's so dead.

'Oh this is gonna be fun.'said Mark.
I glared at him.
'You're are dating an insane person.',said Harris.
'I know.'
'Hey! I'm here only.' snapped Ryan.
'I know ,that's why I said it.'replied Harris.

I went to Ryan,'Hey Ryan!'
'Hey jess!'

I grabbed him by collar,drew him closer to me and said,'Listen Ryan Walker, the leader of the monster fighting robot,my technopath companion,a very fine student of bay city high and my cute boyfriend,if you don't win this I'll make sure that you don't go back home in one piece.'


The game began.

(Time passes)

Now only one ball left on each side.
Charlie throw a ball at Ryan.

Dodge it. Dodge it. I don't wanna go on a  date with him. Please! I'm sure if the ball comes in contact with his face me fist will too.

And......he dodged it!

Ryan threw a ball which hit charlie just in face. I squealed and hugged him when I remember something.

I went to charlie and kicked him in the knee making him fall,'this will remind you on how to talk with girls.'
Then he and his jock friends ran away.

The rest of the day flied away quickly,you know its said when you enjoy time flies by,that's true. Spider only talked about Cassie,I don't think he's ever gonna have a chance with him.
Best day ever!

Harper's p.o.v.

Having fun time kids,good. Enjoy as much you want. Cause you won't survive after this.


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