I'm not a monster!

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After 1 week
Ryan's p.o.v.
Well,it has been time since Jess joined, the team. Every time we beat a monster , we all celebrate except for Jess, I mean Jessica , I still haven't got the permission for calling her 'Jess' . She always takes her bag and leaves the robot.

'Ryan are you ready?' Spider snapped me out of my thoughts.

Ya, I have to skate.


I jumped off the ramp when Jessica entered

'Ouch!' I fell IN.FRONT.OF.HER!

'It looks like there is a slight sprain.' Said Harris examining it.

'That must be hurting, but who told you skate if you can't .' she teased in her own harsh way.

I can even fall for that.

'Oh no! There's a monster attack. Let's get to the robot.' Mark spilled the news.

At the robot

We all took our positions.
I was going to the pad when Jessica stopped me,'You are injured, let me handle this.'

It doesn't matter how much Jessica shows that she is strong,rude,don't care about anyone but I know she is soft and caring, but a little disturbed. Whenever you see her its like seeing someone at fight today, that too with yourself.

I sat at the chair aside.

The robot punched the monster, when we heard someone yell,'Monster!'. It was the monster only who was saying us monsters. It must be Harper.

'Is it saying us monster?' Asked Mark.

'No, its saying me monster.' Replied Jessica , with her voice weakened.

'You killed your parents,you caused deaths, you are bad luck,a monster!'

'No!'yelled Jessica with her ears cupped.

Suddenly,short circuits blew in the robot.

The monster kept beating the robot and torturing Jessica.

'Jessica , fight!' I told her,she didn't heard me.

'Fight! You are not a monster, we all love you.'

She looked at me.

'Fight!' We all told her in unison.

She got up,'I'm not a monster!'

And she turned the monster into ooze.

She landed on her knees.

As routine she got up, took her bag and headed towards the lift but this time she stopped,'Thank you guys,.....um, thank you Ryan.'

Looking at the opportunity I asked her,'Jessica can I ask you a question?'

'No, you ca- well, um...ask.'

'Can we call you Jess?'

'Well....you can.'

'Can I ask you another question?'  I asked her again.

'You said you'll ask one question, but since you helped me today, you can ask.'

'Where are you going?'


'Can I accompany you?'

'No, you can't.'

She left with a smile,while my soul was doing the happy dance.

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