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Jessica p.o.v.

As our textbook, Harris said, I worked on my mood colours and came to learn that:-

Red- anger
Pink-in love

Well, my friends know meaning of all the colours,except for one. You are right, that's pink.

When I entered the school, I saw Ryan talking to someone.

And when I saw that Guy's face I hoped its not......Ben.

When Ryan saw me he hugged me.

Well, That was a surprise.

'So,jess is your girlfriend?'he asked. Ya,its Ben.

'Um....a.....Jess this is Ben, he is a new student at our school.' Ryan replied.


I hope he hasn't told Ryan anything.

'Hello,jess. Long time no see.'said Ben.

'Wait! You guys know each other?'Ryan asked.

Oh no!

'Ya,we were in the same school.' He said.

Thank god,he didn't told Ryan anything.

I nodded.

Ben came near me and whispered,'Don't worry cutie,I didn't told your boyfriend anything.'

And he went away.

I hope Ryan didn't saw my eyes turn gray.

My powers went weird and all the lights went haywire.

Ryan's p.o.v.

The lights started to flicker.

'Jess,are you fine? Your pow-'

'I'm fine!'

'What did he said?'

'Nothing,just this and that.'

And she dashed towards her locker.

Sorry,for keeping it short guys.

Pls keep commenting.

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