The first date

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Ryan's p.o.v.

I was at the robot when Mark came,'What happened Bro? You're a little tensed.'

'I want to take Jess out but I'm....'

'Nervous? Or wait......death nervous?'

'Second one.'

'Don't worry, the teacher is in front of you!'

'You're gonna teach me?'

'Ya,but....who will play Jess?'

Then only Spider entered the room. Mark looked at him.
I guessed Mark's intention,'Mark!No! Don't even think of doing that!'

'You wanna take Jess out or not?'

'Ugh. Fine.' I never knew a girl can make me do such things.

'Get a little closer.' Mark instructed.

I looked at Spider, he was acting girly.

'Don't do that man!'

'Ryan focus! Touch 'her' cheek.'

'Eww! Gross! I'm not gonna do that,my luck isn't that bad that I've to date spidy.... No offence.'

'None taken.' Spider replied with a smile. That's why I love my friends.

'You 2 leave it I'm gonna do it on my own.'

At med bay

I was at the med bay when Jess entered. I got an idea.

'Um...jess, I need your help,there's a girl mark likes but he's very nervous to ask her out. Can you help?'

'Well, Mark doesn't get nervous, even if he is, according to Mark's personality he should be straightforward.'
I got confused at the word 'according to Mark's personality'. She sensed it and said,'From Mark's personality I mean,everyone is different,if it had been you, you would've been death nervous.' She's so smart.

'Will you rehearse with me So that I can tell him better?'


'Thanks,um...jess I like you very much, will you like to go on a date with me.?'

'Good, now go and tell him.'

'Well,there is a slight change , the boy isn't Mark but me.'

I saw her eyes turn yellow.
'Go and ask her!' She punched me slightly.

She headed towards the door to exit when I grabbed her hand,'Well,I just did.'

She understood what I was saying and hugged me,'Tomorrow, 5 pm.'

Jess p.o.v.

I haven't been so nervous in my life. Ryan came and picked me. We went to a nervous.

You could hear my heart beating.

'Let's play game.' He said ,'We'll tell each other what we know about each other.'

'Shouldn't it be other way...I mean telling each other about ourselves?'

'I would like difficult things, OK my favourite colours are black and white.'

'How did you know?' I asked amused.

'Your choice is different. Your turn.'

'Your favourite colour is blue, almost everything in your room is blue.'

' love cycling and listening music .'

'And you love dancing and singing.'

'OK...last one,you like me.'

'Um....' I was left speechless.

We ended at the park.
'Jess,why do you always sit at this seat?This is at the corner of the park.'

'Mrs.Emily, the lady from the adoption center,always used to take me here,and we always used to sit here. It is apart from rest of the world, but comforting.'

He nodded. I rested my head on his shoulder.

'Jess , I know what pink means, it means you're in lobe,right?'

'How did you know?'

'Well,I asked mom.'

'Can I ask you a question?'

' can.'

'Will you be my girlfriend?'

My heart skipped a beat, I kept looking away.

'What are you scared of jess?' He made me face towards me.

'I'm-I'm scared that I will mess this up,I'm scared that I will get hurt again,I'm scared that you'll hate me, I'm scared of leaving this happiness.'

He stared into my eyes,'You know I'll never leave you,neither I will hate you, I love you,from the first day I saw you.Will you be my girlfriend?'

His words pierced into my heart. How can I ever reject him?
'I will,'He leant in and was about to kiss me when I said,'but at one cost.'

'What now?'

'We aren't gonna use nicknames like darling,love,cuties,...I hate them.'

He chuckled,'Ok, I agree to all your conditions, will you FINALLY be. my girlfriend?'

'Yes,Ryan Walker I would've pleasure to be your girlfriend.'

Then he leant in and kissed me and I kissed back.....

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