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Jess p.o.v.

I ran as fast as I can.
I should've told them earlier...it's all my fault,he doesn't deserve me.

I entered my room,and laid on my bed. I didn't even tried to switch the lights on, I wasn't afraid of dark anymore. Someone told me,'What's the use of scaring from something,from that thing that even a small glowworm can defeat.' Ya,that 'someone' was Ryan, whom became my boyfriend yesterday and was about to break up with me today. I can't even laugh on my situation.

Mom came in,'Jess,are you okay?'

'Huh? Yes mom....where is Ryan?'

'He went for a sleepover at Harris's.'

That must be because of me.


She was going out when I stopped her,'Um..mom, I wanna ask you something.'
She sat beside me.

'There's your boyfriend,you his a secret from him. When he came to know he's angry with you as you didn't told him earlier....what will you do?'

'Well, its the girls fault,she should've told him earlier. But if the girl truly loves him she will never let go of him. But is the boy doesn't love her truly that doesn't matter,'Her words very comforting,'And let me tell my Ryan isn't like that. He loves you a lot.'

'Huh? How did you know?'

'Come on girl, I'm your mom.'

'So, do I have your permission to date him?'

'Of course,you've stupid.'

The next day

I was sitting at my spot in the park,thinking should I talk to Ryan or not. I really want to talk to him but -but I don't think he deserves me.

'Are your powers okay now?' Asked Harris.

I didn't notice he was sitting beside me.

'Sometimes they go weird.'

'When you think of Ben or ......Ryan?'


I lied. Whenever I think of Ryan my powers go weird.

'You're lying.'he replied.

I smiled at him. There was silence after that.

'Should I talk to him? I don't think he deserves me.' I said breaking the silence.

'Can you stop it?'

'What?' I asked,confused.

'Underestimating yourself. You always do that. Listen jess, you are unique, you are special, you aren't less. We are friends,we all have our positions, we don't underestimate ourselves. Although mark may be more 'awesome' than us,he never does it. We love you. Ryan loves you, he's just a little troubled. Don't give up easily on him. As I said ,we all love you.'

In looked in shock at the short nerdy kid. I hugged him, he was a little bit startled but hugged back.

'Thanks Harris.'

'Sorry,for interrupting your 'lovable' moment guys,'interrupted spider.



'Sorry, but Harris is right Jess. We all our friends,we all love you.'said spider.

I looked at both of them,not knowing what to say.

'Why you became my friend? I was so rude to you in starting.' I asked.

'Well,at first, we only took you as a team member,but when we came to know you,we learned that you are like us,but a little disturbed. We came to know that you're lovable.' Said Harris.

'Right.'agreed spider.
I hugged both of them,then we group hugged.

After 1 week

For the next week I tried my best. I tried talking to Ryan. But he didn't even said a word. NOT.EVEN.A.WORD

We danced together but he didn't talked to me. Ben was teasing me but it didn't matter now.

Now,its getting annoying. I'm gonna talk to him now,no matter what happens.

'Ryan, I want to talk to you.' He was practicing with Mark at the robot.

'Can't you see I'm busy?'he said,thank god at least he said something.

'Enough!'I banged my fist at the table aside,causing mark to stop.
I don't know what my eye colour was at that time,red,black or grey. I was angry at him,sad about what was happening and scared that he'll break up with me,'I know you're are hurt. But at least talk to me.' I grabbed him by shoulders,'I've been trying for a week, I know you love me,please say something.'

He didn't replied.

'Fine!Do what you want.'
And I went out of the robot.

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