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Ryan  p.o.v.

'Jess!' I yelled as she ran towards her class.

Agh!she never tells me what does pink stand for?

Maybe I can ask Harris.

'Harris can you find what does pink colour stands for Jess. She never tells me. Whenever she's with me her eyes turn pink.

'She'll tell you when she wants to.'





'Ugh! Fine.'

Pink... I never knew a colour can make me curious to such extent.

What can pink stand for? Pink? Pink? I only thought about it the whole day.

Finally,after lot of debating with myself,I decided to ask mom.

'Mom,what does pink colour represents for girls?'

'Why are you asking?'

'Just this and that,tell please!'

'Well,pink can represent many things like,cute,childish,chocolate.....'she said beginning her options,'Or...or she's in love.'


Wait! It means she loves me! I'm gonna ask her out tomorrow!

'Thank you mom! I love you.' I excitedly hugged her.

'Woah! Calm down kid.'

I'm gonna ask her out.....but how?

So,we finally reached to their first date. But how's Ryan gonna ask her out?

Keep reading to find out!

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