I will forget it all

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Ryan's p.o.v.

'How's she?'asked Harris.

'She's just laying at her bed staring at the ceiling'
replied Mark.

We came straight home from the mine. Jess didn't even uttered a word.

'Kids! Dinner time!..........where's Jess?'asked mom.

'Um...she's a little tired from dancing, I'll get the food to her.' I said , taking food from her.

I entered the Jess's room. As Mark said, she was just laying at her bed, staring at the ceiling. Not crying.

'Jess, dinner.'

She didn't replied.
I put the dinner on the table aside.

She needs time.

I exited.

(After half hour)

I heard a knock on my door.



'Um..... I wanted to talk you.'

'Sure, come.'

She sat at my bed.

'Um....actually.... actually I want to leave the robot. They are true, I'm bad luck. I'm useless, I can't hurt you people more.'

'Oh jess! It isn't like that.' I hugged her,'Tell everything, tell what you want to, cry if you want to.'

I felt tears on my shoulders, she broke down completely, she told me how she felt over so much years, she felt alone , she told me everything.

(Time passes)
(Well, I took this scene from a drama, I don't own it. I liked it so used it.)

'Feeling better?' I asked her after she broke down and let everything go.

'Yeah, a lot...um....earlier...'

'You crying?'

'Ya, don't tell it to anyone.' I smiled on that one.

'Sure, I won't. I'll forget it all, whenever you want to tell  someone something, tell me, I'll forget it if you want me to.' I assured her.



'Then, forget this one too.' With that she kissed me.

Plz comment on this one.

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