I like you

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Ryan's p.o.v.
(After 15 mins)
'Where are everyone?' Jess asked.

'They headed towards the school. I'll give you company.' I said.

We decided to walk to school.

Jess was wearing a short top today, with polka dots and denims, unlike what she wears everyday.

'You look different today.....I mean good different.'

'Your mom gifted me this. Do you like it?'

I love it!

'Ya, its good and different.'

After some time of silence,she asked,'Did you get sleep enough?'

'No, actually not at all .... I was thinking about you.'

There was a silence after that....

'Jess....um....I like you.' I broke the silence, saying my feelings, FINALLY.

'Ryan....' She was speechless,nervous,scared.

I hugged her.

'Jess,I know you like me too. You've been through a lot. It will be difficult for you. But I'll never force you. I will never pressurize you. I'll wait for you.'

I felt her tensed shoulders relax.

'Thank you, Ryan.'

We walked towards the school. Near a bookstore she stopped,'I've to take a book, you go, I'll come.'

She went inside, while I headed towards the school.

Jessica p.o.v.

I was so happy, after a long time.

If there were not people around I would've jumped in happiness.

I grabbed my book, paid for it and went out.

I heard a monster growl. The robot was struggling to keep up with the monster. They were......at the school!

I have to go there.

As I headed towards the school, two men, in black, blocked my path.

'You can't go.'

'Agh! Not in the morning....but if you want it lets fight!'I said as I took my position.

The man punched me, I dodged it. I punched the man with the laser sword in the stomach, while other one in the knee,and he fell down.

The man with the sword attacked me. I think the laser touched the corner of my eye. I felt darkness. They both beat me. I regained my senses and punched one in his face and other one in stomach. They both ran away.

I think they injured my ribs.

I saw the robot struggling.

I have to go there......

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