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Jess p.o.v.

Yesterday I became someone's girlfriend,I'm on cloud 9,but there's one problem......Ben.

'How are you cutie?'

Not again.

'What do you want Ben?'

'I think you know what I want?'

'Will some punches be good?'I asked .

'Come on don't be angry.'he came one step near.

'Not a step after that!' I warned him.

'You wanna know what I want? OK, I want you.' He said.

I felt a pang of pain in my head and my powers went weird.

Ryan's p.o.v.

The lights started to flicker and spider's phone got fried.

'Ryan,are your powers okay?'asked Harris.

'Ya,it must be Jess. Her powers also went weird last time,I hope she's fine.' I replied.

'Can you tell that to my phone? I think you technopaths have a problem with me,always my phone gets fried.' Complained spidy.

'Shut it!'we both replied.

I saw Jess talking to Ben near the lockers. I don't know why whenever I see them talking it looks like Jess is either scared or angry. But it must be me only,she isn't going to hide anything from me.

Jess p.o.v.

'I want you.' These 3 words pierced through me.

I saw ryan,Harris and spider coming. Ben went away.

'Jess,are you fine?'


'We asked if you're fine?'said spider.


'If there's something bothering you,you should tell us.'said Harris.

'Guys I'm fine!'

I felt another pang of pain in my head and I felt unconscious.

At med bay

I opened my eyes,'What happened?'

'Jess,if there's anything disturbing you please tell us,otherwise it will affect your health.'said Harris.

Ryan held my hand,'Jess,what it is?'

'Guys! I'll tell you, its something private! Can't you leave me alone!'I told or yelled at them.

I took my hand out of Ryan's grip and went out.

At the park

I didn't even know where I was sitting maybe in the park at my spot with my head rested on my knees.

I heard footsteps,and some one sat beside me. There was no need to look who was there,it was Ryan.

'Ryan,please go.'

'Ill , first listen to me.' He held my face,'You know you can trust us,please tell us,I can't see you suffer like this.' Then he kissed me.

How could I deny? I FINALLY made my decision.

'OK Ryan, let's get to the robot.' I hugged him.

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