Ryan please!

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Jess p.o.v.

I sat at the chair with the boys surrounding me. We were at the robot.

I began,'It happened 3 years ago. I met Ben at my school,in starting he was very caring. I liked him. I didn't had anyone who loved me,so when I found someone whom I thought loved me, I went after him. He proposed me one day, I was so happy, I thought that I found someone who loved me. But then one day-one day I saw him kissing someone else. I was broken into pieces, that's when I started to hate loving people....' I stopped for breath.

I looked at the boys. Mark was looking at me with sympathy,with spider and Harris while Ryan-Ryan wasn't even looking at me.

He probably wants to break up with me,that thought made me cry but I continued,'I broke up with him, but he didn't leave me alone. It was like a mental torture seeing him everyday. He began stalking me, then one day he-he tried to kiss me. I beat him up to hell, I threw all my anger at him. He had to be rushed to hospital.I was expelled from my school for that......I don't even know why he's back...I just didn't wanted you guys to be involved, I'm-I'm sorry.'

Mark came and gave me a hug followed by Harris and spider. But - but Ryan...

I walked over to him,'Ryan.....'
He didn't replied at kept looking at the wall,'Ryan,I'm sorry, please at least look at me once..'
He didn't even said a word.
I was about to break at anytime but I gathered myself,'I think I should go home.'

I exited as I heard Harris and spider scolding Ryan,'Dude,that wasn't the way you should react.'

'Its my matter,I'll handle it on my own.'and he went out. Mark could only sigh.

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