Chapter 1 | The day my life ended

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My name is Alexis Monroe and this is how my life ended...

Well my normal life ended, that is!

I remember it was an ordinary cool night at ten forty seven p.m. when I received a text message on my phone from an anonymous sender. The message read 'you have been chosen, we ask you to check your e-mail account for more information.'

This was weird, I had never given out my phone number to anyone I didn't know so how could I not know who thus mysterious sender was?

Curiosity soon over took as well as common sense and intrigue. I pulled out my mini lap top and logged onto my e-mail account to find one new message, it said 'For your eyes only Miss Monroe' this was strange once again. The e-mail didn't feel like an average spam mail or a trick off someone I knew, it felt more like a formal message from a company, but why?

So I decided to click the e-mail and it said 'You Alexis Monroe, have been selected as a participant in a new type of game called The end of days.

In this game you will be hunted by other participants and you must 'dispose' of them, this can be done by various methods such as: murder, or being placed into a comatose state or other acceptable methods.

For the faint heart may believe that this game is completely pointless, why would anyone kill another player? but to add some incentive into the mix there is a small implant in the back of each participants necks.

This implant will emit a charge of electricity up the persons spinal cord and into the brain killing the participant instantly after the body convulses for some time, this will occur if a participant does not come into contact with another participant within a weeks time (note: if a participant has been disposed of by non-lethal method the person will not have the electric shock will not be administered.)

Now you may be thinking that this competition is very one sided, but to make this competition fair, the chips in each of the participant necks can be disarmed by one singular button. This button is hidden somewhere in the vicinity of the town that the game is being held also known as Pine Wood Valley. To find the location of this button, a participant must be 'disposed' of by any means that mean they cannot continue and a clue to the location of the button will be revealed to all of the participants currently playing.

Some rules of the game are:

1. No person can inform the police or any emergency services about being involved in this competition.
2. Attempted removal of a participant's chip is prohibited until after the games conclusion.
3. Participants are prohibited from killing unnecessary civilians not participating in the game.

We thank you for taking time to read your formal warning of the beginning of The end of days killing game. Good luck.'

After I finished reading the E-mail my thoughts were of bewilderment, what the hell, was this some sort of killing game designed to force the participants to come into contact with each other so they will not be killed off within a seven days time!

How would I ever find another player? Within a weeks time! I had no idea how many people are currently in this game and how many are currently playing who wouldn't mind disposing of a defenceless girl who has no self defence training!

I was dead...then in dawned on me: why should I take a random e-mail seriously! The e-mail itself was anonymous it provided no evidence, no credibility. I shouldn't even be worried!

Exhaling deeply and renewed with a rejuvenated sense of security I decided to just brush my teeth and go to bed, so I walked down the hall and into the bathroom. I was almost halfway getting my toothbrush when something caught my eye in the mirror.

Like Pandora faced with her box of mystery, human curiosity took over and I inspected the thing in the mirror.

The thing I saw in the mirror was on the back of my neck, behind my mousey brown hair carefully I moved my hair from obscuring the view of my neck...

To my horror on the back of my neck was a scar only about three millimetres in width and a centimetre in height in the centre of my neck, right on the spine.

I didn't remember ever getting cut, scratched or any other methods of breaking the skin on the back of my neck, except the e-mail said something about an implant something to kill me at any moment.

It was true, someone had placed some sort of implant in the back of my neck and this had been done without my knowledge of the any procedure being done on that area of my body or anywhere on my body before,
and from what I had learned from the e-mail trying to remove this implant would cause my almost instantaneous death.

A feeling of violation surged throughout my mind and in the most ludicrous way, someone had augmented and violated my body while I had been unconscious, it had to of been otherwise how did they do this to my body without me knowing. and this alteration that was made now dictated my every action.

It restricted my freedom and violates my rights as a human being!

But whoever did this had a complete disregard for anything like that, and they clearly had no concept of ethical guidelines or any moral compass.

My life was over!
There was no escape from an inevitable death!
All I could do was wonder 'Why me? What had I done to deserve this?'

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