Chapter 17 | The river

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Patricia and Lizzie wolfed down the lasagne while I barely touched my piece. It was ironic I was the one who complained about being hungry but I had barely even touched the food that was provided.

The reason I didn't eat was I felt sick to my stomach the mother of my best friend could be conspiring to kill me, and I would never know.

Kara Kincaid wore a perfectly constructed mask, on the outside she was the mayor of Pine Wood Valley and the mother of two well behaved children and she was the wife to a respected business man.

It was a perfect lie.

In reality she could be an unwilling participant in a mutual killing game just like me or...him...Piggy Piggy.

But he was a monster, he didn't care he was in a killing game for him that was merely and excuse to kill. It sickened me.

"Lexi you're spacing out again!" Patricia shouted snapping me back to reality as she waved a hand in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry just- oww" I let out a yelp. "I burnt my tongue!" I exclaimed  as Lizzie and Patricia laughed in amusement.

"That's karma for ignoring us," Lizzie laughed to herself.  

"That is not fair where is Patricia's karma for calling me Lexi" I joked back.

"I'm a saint! Saints don't get karma" Patricia replied, Lizzie giggled at her joke while I just frowned in annoyance.

We continued to eat our lasagne I tried to eat as much as I could but I only managed to eat one piece while Lizzie ate two pieces and Patricia ate three whole pieces!

"So what should we do now?" Lizzie questioned.

"Umm any ideas Patsy!" I said before Patricia could call me Lexi.

"Ohh so Lexi is fighting back now eh?" Patricia retorted.

"Patsy versus Lexi fight of the ages!" Lizzie interrupted.

Me and Patricia then glared at each other, Lizzie caught between each of our glares she looked unsure of what to say.

As Patricia stared at me I noticed she didn't blink her body was motionless, I had only seen this look on Patricia once before after the shooting at Cafe Du Pierre she followed Michael into the alley and they faced each other.

Patricia had become emotionless like nothing could faze her. It was scary she now was the most feared thing in the room

Reluctantly, I blinked and Patricia returned back to 'normal' as if in a flood her emotions returned.

"SO WE HAVE A WINNER AND IT'S PATSY!" Lizzie exclaimed as she held Patricia's hand into the air while I wiped my eyes to stop them from watering.

"Go on then Patsy, give us some words of umm winning" I interjected.

"Yeah Patsy who do you want to thank for this victory?" Lizzie added.

"Well i'd like to thank um my mom for not being here to distract me, my dad for doing nothing I guess and finally i'd like to thank the academy!" Patricia replied sounding proud.

"Why thank the academy?" I questioned curiously.

"Um I don't know it's what people normally say right heck I don't even go to an academy," Patricia joked back causing Lizzie to giggle in response.

Then a thought came into my head 'Why were Patricia's emotions so come and go like at times her feelings would just disappear from time to time.'

Why had I never noticed this bipolar nature of Patricia's emotions?

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