Chapter 30 | The new messages

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Cold air licked my skin and cold winds rippled the fabric of my clothes making my body shiver slightly. As I walked the noises that filled the air were: cars screeching around at speeds, and dogs barking at passers by, people chattering loudly, wind that whistled through nearby and planes flying at break neck speeds overhead.

While walking home I received a message on my phone, the message was from Shadow and it said 'Alexis, please can you come to The Bunker, Both I and Sean need to see you. - Shadow.'

Without a second thought I changed direction to head to The Bunker and to Sean's aid.

The walk was short as I had an uncanny spring in my step not due to excitement or a deep need to help Sean, but the reason I had a 'spring' in my step was due to the shuffling in the bushes.

As I walked I could not shake the uncanny feeling that someone was following me, or it could have been the mess of things happening to me (the discovery of my mother's suicide for one example or Patricia's hobby of kidnapping strangers).

I walked faster to try and shake the uneasy feeling emanating from within my core.

But as my speed increased so did my internal worry and paranoia. I decided the best way to combat the paranoia was to find a way to remove it. So unlike the usual route to The Bunker I made slight detours and wrong turns each time double backing on myself.

Eventually, after I was finally satisfied that I was alone I headed directly toward The Bunker sure that there was no one following me.

The warehouse where The Bunker was located seemed lonely, somehow without the addition of Philip's expensive car it seemed more empty. Nonetheless I pressed forward and through the door that led into The Bunker.

Inside I found Shadow stood next to the clues board he and I made from the clues gathered from the PTD. Meanwhile Sean sat quietly on a stool next to Shadow looking attentively at the same board that transfixed Shadow's attention.

"Hello and what are you both doing?" I questioned Shadow and Sean nervously.

"Hello Alexis I believe that I could be close to solving the clues" Shadow responded with not a lot of confidence.

"Oh" I responded not very enthusiastically, mainly due to Shadow's lack of confidence.

"Well he thinks he has something" Sean added giving a more realistic expectation of what Shadow had found about the clues.

"Hmph I don't see you helping mister Anderson" Shadow retaliated clearly annoyed by Sean's statement.

"Now now calm down we don't need the blame game!" I retorted angrily at both Shadow and Sean.

"Alright" Sean replied unfazed by my snappy statement.

"Fine" Shadow also agreed also annoyed but keeping most of his aggression to himself and not visible to me.

"Now that that's sorted can you show me what you've found?" I pursued in hopes of shinning some light on Shadow's yet illusive findings.

"Well Alexis do you remember the first clue from the PTD?" Shadow questioned me.

"Yeah" I replied giving a slight nod.

"Nineteen seventy eight, on its own that doesn't make sense but it did lead to building materials!" Shadow stated seemingly waiting for me and Sean to understand what he meant by 'building materials'.

"You are going to need to explain" Sean finally stated as he folded his arms.

"Well I had a friend of mine find all purchases made using the town funds and with this information I used the old foundation building information and the fund reduction to determine in what year each building was built and then use that information to determine the location of the deactivation button" Shadow explained.

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