Chapter 11 | The intruder

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Petrified I slumped behind the locked front door of my house, the PTD quietly beeping as an unknown assailant had entered my home through the back door!

I needed an exit and in my head the front door was the logical choice but if I did unlock the front door and run out onto the street the masked intruder could easily follow me, but it would lead the intruder into the open and maybe some onlookers who could intervene!

My mind was made up I would unlock the door and run out into the street hopefully to safety.

First I stood up as quietly as I could and tried to stop the PTD beeping, I fumbled with the device until eventually the device in my hand grew silent and the beeping stopped.

Next I had to unlock the door quietly, so I first grabbed the key still waiting in the lock and started to turn it. I turned it once but I realised that the lock needed to be turned the other way so I turned the key the opposite way once then again and one final turn as the door was released from the lock.

Slowly, I open the door making sure not to alert the intruder, so slowly and carefully I pulled the door inward as it flowed on it hinges thankfully not creaking until it was slammed shut again.

A powerful gloved hand ha slammed the door shut and I turned to see the man in the skull mask looming next to me holding the door shut. He breathed heavily and turned to me and said in a muffled voice "now now you can't leave now that would be no fun at all!"

I ran down the hall trying to get away from the man as fast as I could. I darted straight to the back door and as I reached it my hopes were demolished as I tugged and pulled on the door as hard as I could but the door was locked.

The man in the mask strode up to me laughing maniacally as if he knew he had all the power of the situation I was powerless to do anything I was cornered and my options were:

I could run at the intruder and try and take him down but that would depend on me being stronger than the intruder and that he didn't have a weapon he could retaliate with.

I could swing at him with my pocket knife but that would depend on me being well trained enough to overpower the intruder.

I could try to avoid the man by running past him or barging him into the side wall but that would depend on me being strong enough to move him or the man being easy enough to move that I could get past him.

Or I could do nothing and let this masked participant do what ever he wanted to do and I would have no choice if he killed he or had his way with me.

No I would rather die but maybe fighting wasn't the best approach?

Fight or Flight
Which one?

I ran straight at the man, he readied himself for a direct assault so he could easily grab me but what he didn't expect was me to move to the right and use my back to barge him into the left wall.

I dashed around the corner and up the stairs.

My foot slipped and my left leg buckled sliding down the stairs and a firm grasp laid on my left ankle. I looked back and to my horror I saw the man in the skull mask holding my leg with a grip of iron!

He then screamed out from his mask in a muffled voice "where are you going! You've hurt me! so now I'm gonna hurt you back!" I screamed out as he dragged me back down the stairs as he climbed over the top of me he had me pinned to the stairs!

The man reached behind his back and retrieved a knife, he held the knife to my face and said in a muffled tone "pretty pretty why do you wriggle?"

I struggled under his grasp trying to get  free but the man restricted my movements so much it was hard to even breath! But somehow I could move my right arm but what to do?

I could use my pocket knife to swipe at the man and maybe hit a main artery but that may depend on my knowledge I the human body and where would be the most lethal area to strike considering I would probably only get one swipe off on the man.

I could lay down and die...

Fight or Flight,
Which one?

I grabbed the pocket knife and swiped aiming for his face and this action had the desired effect of confusing the man as he temporarily loosened his grip. Seizing the opportunity I got free and used my left foot to kick the man in his head. Hastily I took the opportunity to run up stairs as fast as I could.

I ran upstairs but where?
Before I could think I ran into my room and used my stool to barricade the door.

Then in my head I remembered the first  time I met Shadow I had been surprised and tried to combat and unknown foe only using my instincts! But the only detail that mattered, was the location the roof outside my window.

I could jump off the roof and outside the house safely. I ran to the window and tugged and pulled as hard as I could but the window was locked another disappointment that could lead to my death at the hands of an unknown intruder.

The door to my room shook with tremendous force as the muffled voice shouted "little pig little pig why won't you let me in?" As he began to laugh maniacally from behind the wooden barrier that separated me from my attacker.

What could I do I had already tried fight and flight and both together nothing worked. I had nothing to break the glass on my window.

All I could think to do was to hide so I opened my closet and walked behind my wall of clothes and sat there hiding and prayed the man in the mask would not find me!

The door to my room swung open while the stool keeping it closed was flung to the other side of my room as the man in the mask walked in brandishing a knife.

He then spoke in his muffled voice "come on little pig first running now hiding you can't o left so where are you!" As he started to search my room.

I held my breath the best I could trying to avoid detection but the man leaned close to the door, so close I could hear his breath as he said, "oh pig oh pig where are thou?"

He knocked on the closet door and turned to walk away until he quickly pivoted and flung the door wide open and thrust his hands trough the wall of clothes and straight onto my collar.

He ripped me from the safety of my hiding place and into the cruel outside world where he had control!

I struggled to get free of his grasp but he smacked me in my face dazing me!
He then spoke clearly and calmly "now now don't get feisty we know how that ends!" As he smacked me again.

"Please please don't hurt me please!" I begged to the man pleading for my very life.

"Yes yes I want to hear you beg and scream come one scream! SCREAM!!!! I SAID SCREAM!" As he began to repeatedly hit me over and over and over on my head...

I was losing consciousness

I could hear the man say "Aww dumb pig why do you fade on me it might be more fun this way anyway!"

I'd lost

All I could think was...

'Help please

Somebody help me...'

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