Chapter 9 | The falling under

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After the awkward encounter with Patricia about her seemingly absent emotions, Shadow opened the door to the bunker.

Shadow sighed and stated "it's eleven fifty eight so because of the excitement of today's calamity I think it would be better if you called your families and stayed here tonight," in a commanding tone.

"Okay it would be safer since we just did get shot at in the street!" I said in agreement as me and Shadow turned to Michael and Patricia.

"Yes" Michael chimed in response to Shadow's request as all the attention was focused on Patricia.

"Fine" Patricia responded in an annoyed tone, that seemed to be the first emotion I had heard from her since the shooting at Cafe Du Pierre.

Shadow nodded and then set about making three makeshift beds for us using the medical beds and then he gave us each a white material blanket.

Meanwhile I called my Dad but as expected he didn't pick up, so instead I sent a text message instead 'Hi dad staying over at Patricia's house tonight I'm going to be home tomorrow. See you later!'

Patricia then called her mother and left a voice mail saying "sorry mom not going to be home tonight, I'm staying at a friends house love you lots bye!"

We all then decided to go to sleep in our makeshift beds. I rolled over under the blanket but I couldn't sleep, so I whispered to Patricia, "Patricia... Trish... Trisha" I tried all the names I could think of that she hated.

"What" she moaned back.

"Can you sleep? I can't" I replied back to her snappy question.

"Yes I was sleeping fine until I was rudely woken up by you!" She snapped back in a harsh whisper.

"Oh sorry it's just I'm scarred to sleep it's been hard to sleep ever since this nightmare began" I replied back with an uncontrollable edge of sadness.

Patricia was silent for a second. "Try singing a song in you're head!" Patricia replied finally.

"What song though?" I asked Patricia.

"Do you remember my fifteenth birthday?" Patricia responded after a small pause.

"Yes" I responded a smirk creeping onto my face.

"Sing the song that played on the radio on that day! The song that we sung along to, horribly" Patricia replied as we both shared a giggle.

"Thanks" I said back.

"You're welcome now goodnight" Patricia yawned back.

"Goodnight" I responded as I started to sing a melodious tune in my head and fell into a deep sleep.

I awoke the next day to a dimly lit bunker and Patricia sat on the bed next to me as she said, "good morning and don't worry no one been looking at you when you slept!"

My stomach rumbled loudly like a lion, I was severely hungry and with food not being a major priority in Shadow's base he handed me Patricia and Michael a protein bar and waited for the three of us to finish eating.

When we finished Shadow decided we all should go home and and Michael should inform his family and friends he would be 'away' for some time.

We all got into his van and Shadow drove us down many streets and eventually we stopped and Shadow asked Michael to get out, he did and thanked Shadow for dropping him off near his home.

The engine roared back to life and we carried on driving until eventually we stopped again and this time Patricia got out as I realised that we now had arrived a short while away from Patricia's home.

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