Chapter 10 | The knock

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After Michael was put into the coma Shadow then hooked his body up to many machines, presumably to monitor heart beat and other medical tasks.

Shadow then turned to me and said "thank you for being here I'm pretty sure he would have resisted the treatment if you were not here to calm him down!" He smirked through his costume.  

"Um thank you. But he was confident in his decision to be put under, it was like he saw it as his only option" I replied sheepishly.

"Well at least you were here for emotional support" Shadow responded confidently.

Wanting to change the conversation from a less awkward subject I replied "you did well to find the drug to bring about a comatose state in such a small amount of time. Out of curiosity how did you get the drug?" 

Shadow looked taken back by this question, he hung his head as he replied "I broke the law..." His face showed clearly his shame.

"Wh- what did you do? What ever you did it won't change my opinion of you!" I responded with an edge of confidence.

"I stole from a hospital" he responded trying not to meet my gaze.

"Why is that so bad...did you hurt someone?" I asked while discretely reaching for my taser cautiously.

"NO!" Shadow snapped back as my hand was in my pocket grasped my taser. Shadow then continued, "but I can't escape the feeling that my actions could hurt someone. What if some patient needed that drug and I just stole it."

"Why think about something that may not even happen?" I questioned back still grasping my taser.

"Because every choice that we make as people affects the world around us, so say if you were lost and came to a cross road which side do you take left or right?" He responded. 

"Left" I simply replied, he seemed stunned at my answer but still he continued.

"I didn't need an answer but...okay so you take the left path but you now missed the right path and what that had to offer! And this choice may effect you later say you experience something bad on this path then in the future you would decide to go right trying to avoid the left due to the bad experience, and your choice of path may effect someone else choice of path due to the footprints you leave behind" Shadow explained. 

"If you think of the world like that you'll be worrying what you've missed when you should live in the moment that's all that matters, because the world is always changing never staying the same only changing, shifting or evolving all you can do is go with the flow or you'll be swept under!" I responded trying to provoke a response from Shadow.

Shadow met my gaze with a serious point as though he was judging me for what I said so I stared back in to his eyes confidently unrelenting challenging his judgement.

Eventually, Shadow said "well in the end it's just a matter of opinion on either side of the argument!" With that the conversation ended in a stalemate either side valuing their opinion and not wanting to back down both strong willed.

After a few minutes I realised it was about four p.m. and Shadow asked me "how well can you fight?"

"I-I don't know I've never really had a reason to fight. But okay I guess," I replied cautiously.

"Prove it!" Shadow retorted as he paced backwards and said "let's spar together."

"Lets what?" I shouted back angrily.

"Practice fight, to see how good you are" Shadow replied correcting my way of thinking.

"Oh okay" I responded as Shadow beckoned me to approach him.

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