Chapter 3 | The realisation

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I was kneeling in a pool of blood that was not my own, still sobbing I reached into my pocket and grabbed my mobile phone and dialled the police and informed them that I had been attacked but didn't go into specifics just that I had been attacked and the attacker was injured.

But that wasn't entirely true the attacker wasn't injured, but dead. The stranger's chest had long since stopped rising and falling instead he lay still, unmoving.

Within minutes sirens blared down the street and a police car and an ambulance arrived at the street. A policeman cautiously approached me his hand ready to grab his gun and he said "miss please turn to me, come away from the body miss!" He said in a commanding tone of authority.

As I turned to the man, tears poured down my face, by now he was two feet away and I launched myself at him and latched onto his legs beginning to sob.

The officer was stunned to say the least but he eventually pried me from his leg and led me to his police car where he said "I'm sorry but I have to place these handcuffs on you.. It's protocol."

Through tears I replied with and nod of agreement and outstretched arms so the policeman could place the handcuffs on me and he lead me into the back of his police car.

On the way to the police station all I could think about was what had just happened someone had attacked me, no a participant had attacked me wanting to kill me. But somehow I turned the situation around and killed him!

I killed a man,
This killing game had truly begun,
The end of days,
The beginning of the end,
Or whatever you call it! It was now my life whether I wanted it or not but could I really survive? Find the button and try and live a normal life?

Suddenly, I was startled by the car coming to a stop. We had arrived at our destination the police station. Before the police began speaking to me they took the handcuffs off me and had me change into a pair of sweat pants and a hoody.

After changing I remember it took about an hour for the police to question me and take my statement about the incident, then I was placed into a holding cell while they validated my story and checked on the condition of the man. Meanwhile someone came to look at the bruising left on my neck from the man's attempted strangulation.

Eventually, a female police officer opened the door to the cell and said "alright we've seen security camera footage from the shop across the street which validates all you said in your statement." I nodded in response and the officer continued with "We have also contacted your father miss Monroe he said he would be here shortly."

I replied simply with "thank you."

It took approximately ten minutes for my Dad to arrive at the police station and take me home only before my Dad had a private conversation with the police woman who had spoke to me earlier. I assumed their conversation was probably about mental health or general worry for my well being.

But when Dad finished speaking to the woman his he turned and looked at me his face full of worry and relief as he hugged me tight with both arms. Instantly I hugged him back and started to sob a little onto his shoulder.

Finally, we both let go and he wiped the tears away from under and around my eyes and handed me a clear plastic bag that had my belongings in including my blood stained phone, PTD and a pair of earphones.

Dad then quickly directed me to the car and drove home as quickly as he could as if he wanted to escape the looks of forced sympathy.

When we arrived home Dad asked me "Do you want anything? A drink? Something to eat? Anything?"

I responded with "Umm no maybe a hot chocolate or something and a chicken sandwich would be nice"

Dad responded with a simple "Sure yeah" and he rushed to the kitchen while I went to have a shower.

After my shower I sat on my bed in my bedroom where my hot chocolate and chicken sandwich lay on the desk. I looked at the PTD in my hand and thought to myself if this hadn't come today I could've been dead!

But on the flip side I had killed someone even though I had done it in self defence I had still taken a life!
The life of a psychopath!

Confused I walked to my window and climbed on to the lower roof of the spare downstairs room and sat looking up at the sky thinking what had my life become?

My mind began to think about the man I had killed he was a psychopath and if I had not killed him he could have hurt someone else! Also I never meant to kill him I was defending myself he ran on to the pocket knife! But when I threw the brick at the mans face he staggered...

In that moment I could of made a run for it but no something inside me decided to stay and fight to protect myself as if subconsciously my mind truly believed that if I ran, I may of been killed or maybe it was and act of reason and my subconscious mind decided that the man was clearly insane and needed to be taken care of!

That must be it! The way he spoke he sounded insane he spoke about 'He needed to kill me' because of some sort of unnatural 'Bloodlust' that compelled him to- to kill!

I sat there on the roof for a while in complete and utter silence listening to the sounds of distant animals and the rhythmic 'whoosh' of the wind through the trees at the back of my house the night was peaceful.

Until a heavy hand lay on my right shoulder and a unknown voice from behind me said in a deep voice "I saw what you did in the alley tonight!"

My heart skipped a beat!

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