Chapter 22 | The scars

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Drowsily, I awoke on the sofa located in the living room of my house.

Specks of dust danced in the air clearly visible due to the rays of yellow and orange light pushing through the gaps in the curtains pulled across the windows of the room. Even though I was still tired and a little disoriented but I assume from light pouring into the room that it was the next morning.

My father was nowhere to be seen. On the floor lay nothing, the mess from the night before had clearly been cleaned up by my father, thankfully. I would've hated to clean after such a peaceful sleep.

My body was unresponsive or my body just wanted to procrastinate.

I thought about the events of the previous day: a woman died in my arms yesterday and the thing that worried me most was if I had clean up the mess I had made last night!

What was wrong with me?

Had I gotten over the woman's death in a matter of hours?

Was I that heartless!

Eventually, I dragged myself up off the sofa and decided to go upstairs to do anything to distract myself.

I lurched around my house and wobbled my way upstairs into my bedroom. Finally I collapsed onto my bed, exhaling deeply as I did so.

Involuntarily, I sat up on the bed and grabbed my phone and proceeded to flick through the home screen looking through each page aimlessly. While flicking through the phone I noticed that I had a series of messages from Patricia.

The first message said 'Hi Lexi how are you doing? I heard what happened at Flowers and flora do you need to talk?'

The message showed Patricia caring about how I felt and my response was non-existent, I completely ignored her message that was sent the previous night!

The next message read 'Lexi why aren't you responding? Are you okay?'

Yet again she showed clear concern and was rewarded with being ignored. The next message read 'I won't be able to speak my PTD is beeping, goodbye'

This text showed that Patricia was in some sort of trouble or at least she had found another participant. The nest message from Patricia read 'I have him, I have him tied up under the broken bridge in Harrow woods'

This message confirmed that Patricia had found a participant and had him tied up under the bridge in Harrow woods I needed to get there quickly.

Quickly, I rushed to my cupboard and slipped into a pair of jeans, a white short sleeved shirt, a navy blue waterproof coat and a pair of black flat heeled shoes. I grabbed: my phone, my pocket knife, my stun gun and the PTD plus the PTD that I had collected from the woman who died yesterday. Then I walked out the house after locking the door behind me.

I walked at a fast pace hurriedly trying to get to my destination: the bridge in Harrow woods also known as the area of woodland behind Lizzie's house.

I reached the edge of Harrow woods still making good time and I pushed through the woods dodging and weaving between the dense trees, jumping and stepping over branches and small pieces of foliage.

The woods echoed with the sound of wind rushing past the leaves and small animals making a mess of miscellaneous noises that drowned out the sounds of twigs snapping beneath my feet.

Eventually, I reached the bridge with a fast flowing river beneath it, I ventured further until I could see what else was under the bridge. Under the bridge was Patricia, her facial expression unmoving and in her hand she had a long blade looking weapon that glinted in the light. I assume it was the katana she had fought Shadow with the other day.

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