Chapter 31 | The plea for shelter

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As me and Sean entered The Bunker we saw Shadow pacing. His board of clues seemed to have parts ripped off and torn, clearly out of frustration, in my heart I felt the same.

"Are you okay Shadow?" I asked Shadow timidly, not sure if my words would aggravate Shadow or send him into a frenzied fit of rage.

Shadows masked head turned toward me and from what I could see of his face seemed angry. Shadow took a breath and spoke clearly "honestly Alexis no I am not. So please leave" Shadows voice was cold and distant but beneath his words was a subtle undertones of hatred.

Sean moved forward slightly and asked  "do you want us to leave?" His tone shaky but trying to remain confident.

"Yes" Shadow responded after a short breath in and out he seemed at his limit.

I took a step forward and spoke "but are you sure you don't need hel--" a slam on a table broke my words cutting them off and making the words retreat back inside my throat.

"LEAVE NOW!" Shadow snapped his voice a deep gravelly voice that seemed more like an animal's growl than a human's angered filled snap.

I nearly fell to the ground in shock my voice trembled like a child Sean grabbed my arm and tugged me toward the door. Shadow started pacing toward me and Sean his strut was menacing and threatening, I truly felt he was going to hurt me. Thankfully Sean dragged me up making me drop my bag then we ran out the door and out of The Bunker.

Me and Sean ran as far as we could and by the end of our running Sean was panting heavily until we both leant up against a wall and slid down into a sitting position against it. Each of our chests rose and fell rapidly like the ocean waves during a raging storm. I looked over at Sean, while Sean looked over at me and we smiled as if we both simultaneously had caught some foreign contagion causing us both to smile widely.

I looked at Sean and inquisitively asked "so where are you going to stay tonight, you know since the place you were staying in you got chased out!" My tone was a joking one and made Sean snicker slightly.

Sean looked back and replied "well I have no idea maybe I'm homeless now!" His tone was also a joking one.

"Well that will not do at all you are coming home with me!" I responded as Sean turned and looked shocked at my proposal.

"Isn't that going to be a little weird?" Sean responded as his face blushed slightly.

"It doesn't have to be and my Dad is a push over so just give him a sob story and you will be perfectly fine I promise" I responded optimistically. In response my words made Sean smile a little and that made me happy all the stress built up over the days didn't wash away but to make someone smile genuinely made me feel accomplished and like all I had been doing amounted to something.

After everything that had happened since the The end of days killing game had begun I had solely ripped apart Sean's already torn family, how could he stand to be around me? I had killed Tom Anderson (in self defence) but still Tom would never return, and as for Elliot, me and Shadow were the ones who convinced him to be put into a coma and pair all of that with his parents being away I had no idea how Sean was holding together.

I looked at Sean his chest finally slowly rising and constant falling, then I spoke "well come on then Sean let's go back to my house" I then stood up and held my hand out for Sean to grab.

Sean looked up the replied "okay let's go" he then grabbed my hand and pulled himself up and we started walking toward my home (I led the way).

The walk took a while due to mine and Sean's efforts to continue conversation and common chatter.

As we approached my house Sean stopped and said "are you sure about this Alexis I know you said your dad would be cool but--" Sean's tone was timid and nervous.

I quickly interrupted Sean stopping his worried words in their tracks "look Sean you're not planning on asking my dad if you can marry me your asking him if you can stay a night or two!" I reassured him as I rested my arms on his shoulders and looked straight into his eyes, consoling him.

He looked back into my eyes and responded with "you have no fear do you?" He asked sarcastically.

I smiled and replied "Nope that would be Patricia!" I joked (referring to her on and off emotions) as we both shared a laugh, we then walked up to the door of my house.

I knocked on the door and waited for my father to open it up, it took him about two minutes to get to the door and unlock it. My father smiled when he saw me then his face turned to one of confusion upon seeing Sean (a stranger to my father until this point).

My father looked at me and only me then asked "Alexis who is this?" His voice was stern and imposing.

I looked my father in the eye and replied "well dad this is Sean" I replied motioning toward Sean who was stood to the side of me.

"Hi" Sean replied sheepishly clearly nervous in the presence of my father. The whole situation for me was pretty funny to me since I knew my father as a kind force.

I then continued to explain Sean situation, "well his parents are out of town and his grandparents are too far away and he needs a place to stay for a night or two, can he stay here?" I asked.

My father eyes grew distant and he remained silent.

"Please dad please it will only be for a couple of night pl--" I tried to plead an beg but my fathers response shocked me.

"Fine" his response was plain and simple but direct. "Only on the condition that you have something to eat something and make sure my daughter eats something, she always under eats!" My father responded jokingly...maybe.

"Aww thank you dad!" I exclaimed as I threw my arms around him and he returned the short embrace.

"Okay you set up a bed in the spare room Alexis and hopefully the chicken bucket will be here in thirty minutes," my father explained cheerily giving a smile and letting me and Sean inside as he let go of the embrace.

Me and Sean walked upstairs to the spare room as my father closed and locked the door behind us, then I placed the sheets on the bed and me and Sean straightened them out. Then I left Sean to go get changed into a pair of (my fathers) long legged and sleeved pyjamas.

I walked back downstairs (Sean followed close behind me) and into the living room to the smell of greasy chicken and the sound on a noisy TV.

"So Alexis what are we watching tonight? Or is our guest choosing?" My father asked me.

I then mentally formulated a witty response "well I believe in equal rights but since we are the ones giving Sean a roof over his head we should be the ones to choose what we watch!" My tone a joking command.

"Assert dominance Alexis that's my girl!" My fatter stated proudly as if he was announcing it to the world. "But maybe we should all just choose what we watch" my father proposed.

Sean the spoke up for the second time in front of my father "that seems fair" Sean tone was calm and organised.

"Fine" my father conceded to Sean proposition.

"Also fine!" I conceded to the rationality.

We then all sat down on the floor my father on one side of me and Sean on the other. Eventually, we decided to watch a spy thriller movie with lots of explosions and as we watched we ate greasy chicken from a red, blue and white bucket (I took most of the boneless pieces) we watched an ate until the late hours of the night.

"Well should you two be off to bed" my father suggested seeing the tiredness in my eyes.

"Okay goodnight dad" I responded as I stood and started to leave the room.

"Goodnight mister Monroe!" Sean added as he also stood and followed me.

We walked upstairs and before Sean walked into the spare room as I walked into my bedroom he said "goodnight Alexis" in a whispered voice.

"Goodnight" I responded as we both walked into our bedrooms and both went to sleep.

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