Chapter 39 | The identity reveal

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The two of them: Lizzie and Mister Crow. Stood at the intersection of the 'T' shaped platform simply talking. They both seemed engrossed in their conversation, as me and Patricia stood in bewilderment at how these two seemingly polar-opposite personalities with no connection at all could converse so easily.

The two figures hadn't seen me or Patricia yet, so I took the time to ask her "why the hell are they talking?" I harshly whispered.

Patricia looked at me her eyes unmoving as she replied "I have no idea."

"What could they be talking about?" I responded my tone yet again a confused whisper as I grasped my baton tighter and Patricia readjusted her grip on her katana.

"I'll go for Pigg-" Patricia started to speak but cut herself off.

"What do you mean? What pig?" I questioned confused.

Patricia looked back at me and exhaled in annoyance she pulled me back into the darkness of the corridor behind us, then she pulled me down into a crouch. "Do you have that box thing that Shadow's friend gave you?" She asked.

I waited, slightly confused before finally replying "do you mean Philip?"

In response she nodded, "yeah that guy, he gave you something, that helps with memory. Do you have it on you?" Patricia asked again, this time I remembered the box that Philip had given me.

Almost in an instant I removed the urging sensation I felt earlier that morning, where I had felt the urge to place the small box Philip had given me inside my backpack. "Yeah I think I do" I replied before I pulled the backpack off my back and reached into one of the pockets and retrieved the box that I got from Philip. The box was how I remembered, it was the size of a matchbox and wooden in design and feel with a lid on hinges on top and the engraving of a brain and a boarder around it all in a varnished brown colour.

I handed the small box to Patricia who grabbed it and then opened the lid, the inside was as I remembered: a black all consuming void. Patricia then spoke as I focused on the box "listen I need you to forget something."

"What?" I questioned back, my focus still grasped by the insides of the box.

"Forget Mister Crow's suggestions!" She commanded snapping the box lid shut. Almost immediately after the lid snapped shut my head began to pound.

Patricia turned me around to see the two figures once again, "what's the name of the man in the mask?" She questioned.

I thought long and hard about his name then replied with a foreign certainty I hadn't felt in a long time, "that's- that is Piggy Piggy!" I remembered him, the man that had kidnapped me the man who had changed his own name simply by asking for it.

Patricia swung me around and pulled me into a hug, "you're back!" She exclaimed excitedly her emotionless eyes gone and replaced by eyes of excitement.

"I remember!" I exclaimed hugging her back.

"Are you ready?" Patricia questioned pulling away from the hug and readying her katana.

I nodded and with that she turned her head and her emotions once again vacated her body. "You go for Piggy Piggy and I'll get Lizzie out of there!" I commanded as Patricia nodded in agreement. I placed the box back in my backpack and placed the backpack back onto my back.

Patricia sprinted forward with the grace of a gazelle her katana held behind her trailing in her hand. She collided with Piggy Piggy sending his gun flying off to the side of the platform. I rushed in next, my baton ready I headed directly toward Lizzie my arms grappling around her waist pulling her away from the fray and to the ground, to safety.

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