Chapter 5

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I woke up at 6am the next morning, I got up and didn't even bother to shower I just got dressed and headed out the door. It was really hard last night knowing she's in the hospital and I cant do anything about it. I sped to the god forbidden place and ran in as fast as I could. I ran up to the front desk and asked the lady " is Mekayla Espinosa ready to leave?" she nodded " she's getting checked one last time, she should be ready soon. just go wait in the waiting room" she points to a little area. " thank you" I walked over a chair in the little room and sat down. oh crap!! I forgot clothes for her. mmmh who has a key to our house other than me and Mekayla? OH Cameron! I gave him one just in case something were to happen or if he's in town and wants to stop by. I trust him. so I decided to call him

~phone call~

Cam- hello?

Matt- hey cam you still in town?

Cam- yea why?

Matt- because Im at the hospital to get Mekayla and I forgot her clothes, would you mind getting her something to wear?

Cam- sure, what does she like to wear?

Matt- just get her some shorts and a crop top

Cam- ok. how do you know what a crop top is?

Matt- duh! I have a twin sister!

Cam- ok ill see you guys in a few minutes, bye

Matt- ok, bye

~end convo~

as I hung up a nurse walked out of a room along with Mekayla. she looks really tired, she musta slept as well as I did. I stand up and walk over to them " how ya feeling?" I ask her " ok just tired, really tired. I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night" she looks like shes gonna passout at any minute. " ok cams coming with your clothes because I forgot them and once you change ill carry you out to the car" she nods " youre a great brother you know that" she says in a soft voice " and youre a great sister and you can sing better than me! speaking of which would you like to do a duet with Shawn at the magcon tour?" I ask her. she thinks for a minute before saying " heck yes! I've been waiting to perform on stage, its gonna be a lot different than singing to my camera. speaking of which after I get a nap will you be in my video for this week? im doing a Q&A and I want you to be in it too!" she asks looking a little more awake " sure!" Cam walks in holding white shorts, and a orange crop top that says " #prettygirlswag" on it. she takes the clothes and walks into a nearby bathroom. "thanks Cam" I say giving him a bro hug "no problem dude, hey is Mekayla going to magcon with us next week? I heard Bart say something about it" he asks " yea bart wanted her to come. shes gonna do a duet with Shawn. shes a really good singer. you should check out her youtube channel! she almost has more subscribers than me! she has 1,218,339 to be exact and I have 1,219,534! shes catching up quick and shes not famous because shes my sister because well I kinda haven't told anyone about her" I look down. I just didn't want my fans to hate on her because I know it would hurt her because she breaks easily. " but why haven't you told anyone I mean soon people are gonna start putting 2 and 2 together. I mean you have the same last name and you guys look exactly alike well besides your guys eyes" he says " well I didn't want anyone to send her hate because I know itll break her. but she seems to be doing fine with her channel and today me and her are doing a Q&A on her channel for this week" just as I finish saying that Mekayla comes trudging out of the bathroom looking even more tired than before. she extends her arms out for me to pick her up and I do. she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck she lays her head on my shoulder as I wrap my arms around her waist. shes out within minutes. I sign her release papers and walk out the door Cam following closely behind. when we get to our cars which are parked side by side I ask " hey wanna come to our house and spend the day with us?" he nods " sure!" she says before hoping in his car. I set Mekayla in the passenger side of the car and hope in the drivers side. we make it home within 10 minutes. I carry Mekayla inside and put her to bed. I lay down next to her and wrap my arms protectively around her. I almost instantly fall asleep with my twin sister in my arms. I honestly forgot about Cam until he came and woke me up a few hours later " hey dude its 1:15pm you've been asleep for awhile" I yawn and look over at Mekayla who is still sleeping. she looks so peaceful but im hungry and she'll get mad if I go to Taco Bell without her so I gently shake her awake. " hey Mekayla we've been asleep for 7 hours and im going to Taco Bell" she groans " ok I guess me and cam are going to Taco Bell with out you" she shoots up but slowly lays back down holding her head " you ok?" I ask her " yea just sat up way to fast and the concussion isn't helping" a few minutes later she sits back up, slower this time. she puts on her orange vans and grabs her phone. "ready?" I ask " ready" she says " I CALL SHOT GUN!!" she screams and runs out the door. I laugh at my sisters childish actions but hey I still do the same thing so I guess I cant say anything. " ill drive" I say to cam who is putting on his shoes. "ok" he says and walks out the door to the back seat of Mekaylas jeep. when get back for our trip to Taco Bell and cam went home for some family emergency. " so ready to film that video" Mekayla asks " yup" I say "ok tweet it out using the hashtag #askespinosa" she says pulling out her phone and I do the same.

@themattespinosa: ask me and my sister questions for a Q&A video that's going on her channel. if you arnt subscribed to her channel go look it up her user name is mekaylaespinosa40 and use the hashtage #askespinosa

I tweet it out and it instantly get a ton of retweets and comments and soon enough #askespinosa is trending!! " ok ready for this video?" she asks setting up her camera " yup!" I say and sit on the bed in front of the camera. she hits the record button and quickly sits next to me and starts her intro.

" hey guys its Mekayla and today I'm doing a Q&A with my twin brother Matthew Espinosa. yes I said twin brother. and yes its the famous viner Matthew Espinosa. see the resemblance? Matt say hi"

" hey guys!" I say waving to the camera

" so we tweeted it out asking you guys to ask us questions using the hashtag #askespinosa so lets get started shall we? ok 1st question: whos better looking? well that's easy its me!"

" no no no its me!"

" ok guys tell us whos better looking in the comments. next question: whos taller? well were the same height. were both 5'10 okay question number 3: do you guys have any other siblings?"

" no we don't its just us"

we answer a few more questions and then she does her outro

" well guys I think its time for this video to end but ill be back next week! oh and guess where ill be next week? well im going to be in Orlando for the magcon tour so ill get to meet some of you!! and im might be doing a duet with the one and only Shawn Mendes!! so ill see you guys next week! I love all you beautiful people!!!! bye!"

she ends the video and starts editing her video and 30 minutes later its uploaded. the rest of the day we just watch tv and hang out. id have to say it was a pretty good day.


A/N: hey guys I promised a long chapter didn't I? well ill try to update tomorrow love you guys!!!

- cj <3

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