Chapter 25

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Mekayla's P.O.V

It's my father. My fathers here an this time it's not a dream, no matter how much I wish it were.

I grab Sams hand and run to this little hid out place I found it Connors room. I push Sam in first and climb in after not even bothering to turn on the light. I scoot as far back as I can. The door to the safe room is behind Connors bed so you had to crawl under the bed to get to it. I just hope my dad doesn't find me.

"What's going on who was at the door?" Sam whisper shouts

"My dad! He's here! We have to be quiet so he won't find us" I answer still whispering

Sam doesn't say anything, which I am grateful for, for many reasons. One, I don't really wanna talk right now. Two, I don't want my dad to find us and three - well I guess there wasn't that many reasons but still.

Oh crap! I have to warn Matt and the others. I get my phone out and turn the volume off, the vibrate thing off and turn the brightness all the way down. I then send a text to Matt

Matt he's here! Dad he's alive I'm hiding with Sam (long story) but don't come home! I'm afraid he's here to hurt us. I don't care where you go as long as you stay away from this neighborhood! Please Matt I'll be fine don't worry! You just need to stay safe! I love you and tell the others

I send the text and wait for a reply. I get one minutes later

Mekayla stay where you are. I told the guys and we are going to a hotel just outside of town. God I hope stay safe! You don't know how hard it is leaving you there but I'm trusting that you found a good hiding spot. Stay with Sam and also I called the cops they'll be there soon. Please stay safe. I love you!

Ok the cops will be here soon. I scoot closer to Sam and hug him tightly. I pull out my phone and show him the texts. He nods and wraps his arms around me.

That's the position we were in for 30 minutes. When we finally heard sirens outside. We don't move though. I was too scared to. We hear footsteps enter Connor's room and then we here an officer say.

"There's no one in the house, he must of escaped, where gonna have to keep an eye on this house though, from what that boy told me. He won't give up until he gets what he wants"

After she stops talking we hear the footsteps disappear. I don't take the chances of leaving. I'm still hugging Sam too.

It's been an hour and I still haven't moved. I'm too afraid to. I decide to text Matt

Matt the cops said they didn't see anyone in the house. I'm still in the hiding place with Sam. I didn't want to take the chance. You can come back home if you want but I'd be careful of I where you. You never know, he could still be here

I hit send and wait for him to reply. It was about a minute later

Hey Mekayla it's Connor. My phone died anyway Matts in the bathroom but once he gets out where coming home. Don't worry we'll take caution. Oh and where are you hiding?

I text back

I'm in the hiding spot behind your bed. Just please be careful I don't want you guys to get hurt

He texts me back with an 'ok'

We sit there waiting for them when we hear footsteps in the room


A/N: what? Another chapter? Yup another chapter and another cliffhanger. I gotta stop doing that don't I?

Anyway the stories gonna be ending soon there's only like 10 more chapter if that

So yeah. I might do a sequel and it might not I guess it's up to you guys

Also don't forget to




Eat Pizza

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