Chapter 7

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The boys finally arrived 20 minutes later. I grabbed my phone and headed to their car. " hello love" Niall said " hey guys, how ya been?" I asked " we're doing good, what about you?" Harry asked " im doing good too! im going to magcon with my brother next week" I said "cool! how's your bother?" Zayn asked " he's doing good too" the rest of the car ride we just talked about there tour and magcon and just random stuff. we had just arrived at the hotel they are staying at. we take the elevator up to there floor and go into there room. we talk for a while then Harry pulls me out of the room and before I can say anything he smashes his lips to mine. I am in shock for a second before I pull away. " I have a boyfriend" I lied. I didn't mean to lie it just sorta slipped " really who?" he asks in disbelief. what I say next really surprises me and I really did not mean to say it knowing it'll end bad. " Cameron" he looks as shocked as I am. no no no I didn't mean to say that, I really didn't. " really?" he asks still shocked "y-yea" I stutter " then why am I just now hearing about this?" he ask. dang it Harry quit asking questions. come on Mekayla think, think. oh I got it " we just started dating and we want to keep it as secret for a while" I mentally pat myself on the back for not stuttering. " oh ok, so if I ask him he'll tell me you guys are?" he asks " I don't know, did you completely miss me saying that our relationship was a secret?" I ask " no I didn't" " ok then quit asking stupid questions" I said walking back into the room. all the guys are on their phones " hey guys matt said I had to get back to the house, ill see you soon" I said grabbing my phone and walking out the door passed Harry who was still standing in the same exactly spot. " wait! where are you going?" he asked finally moving " matt said I had to go home" I said walking to the elevator and pressing the down button. it opens and I step on pushing the button to the lobby. id have to say this is the slowest elevator ever! when the doors finally open I walk through the lobby and out the front doors. once Im outside I realize I don't have a ride and I have no idea how to get back home. so its time to call my brother.

~ phone call~

Matt- hello?

Mekayla- hey matt can you pick me up?

Matt- why? are you ok?

Mekayla- stop going all protective brother on me im fine, im just ready to go home and once Cameron leaves I really need to talk to you about something

Matt- we'll be there soon, what's the hotels name and they didn't hurt you did they?

Mekayla- no, and its called Virginia inn

Matt- ok see you soon

Mekayla- ok love you

Matt- love you too

~ end of convo~

I waited for 10 minutes before he and Cameron finally came. I had to sit in the back seat. so I just got on my phone until Matt spoke up " so what did you want to talk with me about?" I look at Cameron then Matt " ill tell you later" I say " why don't you tell me now?" he questions " because, ill tell you later" I reply " ok" he breathes out. we drop Cameron off at the hotel he's staying at and then head home. as soon as we're in the house matt says " ok spill" he walks over to the couch bringing me with him and sits us down " ok well when I was there Harry pulled me out of the room and he kissed me but I immediately pulled away but I also panicked and told him I had a boyfriend, which I don't, but the worst part is I said that Cameron was my boyfriend because he asked who and that was the first name that popped in my head" I said all in one breathe. the more I think about it the more I panic and right now I feel an anxiety attack coming. I pull my knees to my chest and start breathing heavy. Matt immediately knows what's going on. he talks in a calming voice but its not helping. my vision starts to blur and try to keep the blackness away but its no use. the last thing I see is matt running around trying to find the one thing that always calmed me down when I had anxiety attacks even when they were this bad, my mothers old perfume. then the blackness took over.


I was looking everywhere for my mothers perfume which is the only way to clam Mekayla down when she has really bad anxiety attacks like this. I cant find it! now im the one panicking. I run back to see if she's ok but she's unconscious. I run to the bathroom and grab a washcloth I wet it with cold water and run back to the living room placing the cold washcloth gently on her head. I wait a few minutes but she doesn't wake up. ok time to call 911.

~ phone call~

911- 911 whats your emergency

Matt- its my sister, she had and anxiety attack and she's been unconscious for 6 minutes now

911- ok we are sending an ambulance now, whats your address

Matt- 32 avenue lane (made up address)

911- ok we will be there as soon as possible

Matt- thank you

~ end of convo~

im freaking out. what if shes not ok? then ill blame myself because its my fault. I was careless I didn't think. ugh im so stupid!! I HAVE to start being more protective over her, she's all I have left. we only have eachother. and I can not loose her because if I did id loose myself.

a few minutes later the paramedics showed up. and we were off to the hospital again.

and we were off to the hospital again...... for the second time this week


A/N: hey guys! sorry for yet another short chapter. but ill post a long one when I have time. please keep reading and voting!!!

- cj <3

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