Chapter 3

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I wake up to the beeping of a monitor. what? I open my eyes only to be blinded by the extremely bright hospital lights. wait I'm in a hospital?! I'm so confused right now! I open my eyes again but slowly this time. after about a minute my eyes adjust. I look around and see a boy sitting in a chair beside my bed but not just any boy it's... CAMERON DALLAS! What's he doing in Virgina? I don't know. I still don't know why I'm here, maybe he does? I try to sit up but the pounding in my head prevents me from it so I just speak "h-hey do you know why I'm in here?" my voice comes out small and frail. he shoots up "oh good you awake!" he says dodging my question. "answer the question please" I say as nicely as I could "oh um you were on your penny board riding somewhere when you bumped into me and you fell off your board and hit your head pretty bad. you fainted from blood loss and you have a concussion" he explains... oh yea I remember that now! but does Matt know? "how long have I been out?" I ask "um let's see, it's 10:30pm right now and we arrived here around 1:30pm sooo um..... About 10 hours" he says. what 10 hours?! wouldn't I've gone into a coma or something?? Wait that explains the breathing mask that I didn't realize I was wearing until now. "does my brother know where I'm at?" I ask noticing he's not here. " Wait you have a brother?" he asks. how didn't he notice me, well I know he doesn't know who I am but I look exactly like Matt and arnt they like best friends?? " well yea I'm Matt espinosa's twin sister" he just blinks for awhile before saying "ohhhh now I see it! you guys look just alike" well no duh were twins. "yea but does he know where I'm at" I ask getting impatient. he shakes his head no. "ok give me my phone" I say holding out my hand... wait where's my bracelet?? that bracelet was the last thing my mom gave me before she died!! I NEED that bracelet. Cameron musta noticed because he said "something wrong" he hands me my phone "yea where my bracelet? it has blue and green beads and in the middle there's my initials in silver. my mom got it for me before she... before she died" I whisper the last part " sorry I haven't seen your bracelet maybe it fell off when you fell" I only nod "can you call Matt? I don't really feel like talking right now" I say and he nods. he pulls out his phone and calls Matt. a few minutes later he hangs up and turns to me "he's on his way, he seemed really worried" I only nod. I close my eyes for literally 5 minutes before the door Busts open and Matt runs in....

A/N: Sorry for a short chapter but I thought I'd update for you guys even tho it only has 5 reads :( but my goal is to have 100 reads by chapter 10!! Hope ya enjoy!! Love you all!

- cj 💖

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