Chapter 31

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Connor's P.O.V

"Connor?" I hear a faint voice say

My head shoots up to see those beautiful green eyes looking at me

I smile before pulling her into a bone crushing hug

"Oh my god! I thought you'd never wake up!" I say still not letting her go

"Connor....... Can't breathe..." She struggles to say.

The hug hurt like hell considering my broken ribs but it was worth it

"How long have I been out?" She asks

"Um 4 days"


"Do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah I remember"

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

"Connor it's not your fault"

"But it is! If I didn't take my eyes off the road we wouldn't be here, you wouldn't be here!"

"Connor calm down"

"I'm sorry, we should probably tell your brother that your awake, he's been worried sick" I say grabbing my phone from my lap



M- Connor this isn't something to joke about

C- but Matt I'm not joking!!

M- really??!?!?!

C- YES come here now!!

M- I'm on my way with Caroline and Trevor

C- ok see you soon

M- ok bye


"They're on there way"


"Matt, Trevor and Caroline"

"Oh ok, we should probably get a nurse ya know the key them know I'm awake" she says

"Yeah I'll get Susan"


"Oh she's one of the nurses that work here. She's really nice" I say

"Oh ok"


I pressed the button the get the nurse. A few minutes later she comes in

"Yes Con- oh your awake! I'll get the doctor be right back" with that she out the door

"When do you get out?" Mekayla asks

"Within the next week or so" I say

"Awesome. I really hate hospitals" she says looking around

"Yeah I know but look on the bright side at least your awake"

"I know. I'm just ready to get out of here"

"You just woke up" I state

"Yes and it's already been too long for me"

I laugh "I'm so happy you're awake"

She smiles. Then the doctor came in

"Hello Mrs. Espinosa, Mr. Franta I'm Doctor James"

"Hi" me and Mekayla say at the same time

"Ok so ----------" he explains everything they have to do

"When can I leave?" Mekayla asks

"Um I can't say when exactly but it won't be any longer than a month" he says

"Ok, is my brother here yet?" She asks

"Let me go check" Susan walks out the door

"So Mr. Franta we know that you were in a car accident but we don't know how it happened. Can you please explain what caused you to crash" doctor James asks

"Well me and Mekayla were on our way to go Bowling when one of her songs came on the radio and since it was the first time one of her songs came on I wanted to see her reaction and I guess I didn't realize how long I was starring at her and we swerved off the road and that's all I remember" I explained

"Ok" he said

"Did I cause anyone else to crash?" I ask hoping I didn't harm anyone else

"No it seems there was only one other person on the road and they called 911 but they were unharmed" he states

"Oh thank god! I would've never been able to forgive myself if I harmed anyone else. I'm still having trouble forgiving myself now" I say in my head

"Connor you can't blame yourself forever" Mekayla says

What? I guess I thought out loud

"Well you guys are good to go for now" doctor James says whilst walking out the door

Minutes later Matt, Trevor and Caroline walk in

"Oh my god Mekayla I thought you'd never wake up!!" Matt screams running over to her.

"Mekayla!!!!" Trevor sings

Caroline walks over to me since the boys are crowding Mekayla

"Is she ok?" Caro asks

"Yeah she's fine, so Caroline I'd like to talk to you" I say


"Me and Mekayla"

"Okay..." She urges me to continue

"Would you be ok if I were to ask her to marry me?" I ask

"OH MY GOD YES!!" She screams causing everyone else in the room to look at her

"Sorry" she says to them

They got back to what they where doing so I continue talking

"You can't tell anyone ok. I want it to be a surprise" I say

"Ok! I can do that! If you were to marry anyone I'm glad it's Mekayla" she says

"I don't think that makes sense but I know what your trying to say" I smile. I'm so glad she's ok with it, I worried she wouldn't be

"Do you have a ring yet??"

"No I'm stuck between two" I say

"Well whenever you get outta here we can go to the ring place and I'll help you!" She says excitedly

"Ok we'll do that" I smile

She's really excited about this. I'm glad. I think she's just happy that she's gonna have a mother figure in her life and someone she gets along well with too.

We talked for awhile until visiting hours where over and they had to go home

"Hey Mekayla" I say


"I love you"

"And I love you"


A/N: I know what your thinking, why would I make them both wake up? Well the stories not over yet.

Anyway I am sooooo sorry for the late update it's just with school I've been given projects, and I have to study for tests and homework upon homework I just haven't had time. I know I said I'd update on Monday and I'm sorry that I didn't but I updated today so yeah.

Don't forget to




Eat Pizza

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