Chapter 11: Surfing 2.0

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Previously in Ballerinas

 I drowned the first time out with my dad and brothers. I told myself that I will never do it again. After that incident I took a long break. I enjoyed myself with other beach related activities.  Mikey brought up the surfing thing a few chapters later with me.

John waits in our door frame to see if I know his is there. You are getting ready Cuddly to go with us. Maybe I am or maybe I am not. Soon after that Mikey walks by to see me in a bathing suit. Of course, my twin knows the answer.

 Our Dad meets us downstairs that morning. The guys grabbed the surfboards. I get some towels for us. Mom stops in her track when she sees me with the guys. "Are you sure that you are ready to do it again?" she asked. "I wouldn't know if I don't try," I replied to her with a kiss.

You sound like a certain Boy scout. Everyone looks at my twin. The four of us head to the beach. I attached the board to my body. Seconds after that paddled out into the water. My body pushes up as a wave approaches. I rode that wave and two more.

Soon BD runs up for his pet. Mikey bends down to give it to him. As for Daddy told me that he knew I could do it.  The joined me in the water. All of us did it together. Now it's my turn to watch them from the shore.

We wiped ourselves off with the towels. Surfboards were under our arms. All of us walked to the house. The guys and I entered through the kitchen door. Minutes after that we head upstairs to bath. As for the guys they finished before me.

I took a little longer because I had to wash my hair. They were excited about how I did in the water and told everyone else Minutes after that I returned in the kitchen. Roger greeted everyone else while kissing us in the respected areas.

Breakfast is served at 8:00 am. Everyone dished out their food to eat. The team sat down in their assigned seats at the tables. Mikey and I are sitting on the couch using our coffee table for the food. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

The group grabbed our stuff while exchanging goodbyes to each other. Later they locked the front door. All of them went to the cars and trucks. Our driveway and house is now left vacant. My family went to their missions.

I took a nice walk down the shore. Abby's house bound for me. Seconds later I knocked on the door to her apartment. Hey girl I wasn't expecting you. This is a surprise. BD gave me his usual smell. I bent down to pet him.

Mike told me that you tried surfing again this morning. Yeah, I did , I told her. Looks like you are going to be the next Sydney Miller. It felt so good being in the water. After everything that happened to me with the drowning and my back. This is good to hear T.

I am sure that both Mike and the guys missed you. They did a whole a lot. You know how I always follow Mikey everywhere. Of course, he felt lost without you.  Both of you are attached at the hip. He would've been here with you. Abs, yes but he has work that is important.

Lunch is promptly served at 12:00 pm. Everyone dished out their food to eat. The team sat down in their assigned seats at the tables. Abby and I sat on her couch. Our dog dragged his bowl to join us. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

We exchanged our goodbyes to each other. I went straight to Graceland again. "Did you enjoy your time with BD," they asked. "I did all of it," I replied to them. As for Mikey is still wrapping up some paperwork. One last report to finish and case file to close.

George and mom start cooking dinner at our stoves. I took out our place settings to put them on the island. The team sets our kitchen table together. We hang out around the kitchen area. The kitchens are smelling good right now. Our meals are in their final minutes on the stoves.

Dinner is promptly served at 6:00 pm. Everyone dished out their food to eat. The team sat down in their assigned seats at the tables. Mikey and I are sitting on the couch using the coffee table for the food. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

We broke up into our usual boys vs girls groups. The girls cleared the tables and wiped them down with a rag. As for Jakes unpacked the dishwasher. Daddy washes the dishes to refill it with the wet ones. Â My twin and I took out the trash. Seconds later we came in the house to wash our hands. Our guys get the cooler ready with drinks and ice.

Everything is put back in it's regular places. All the kitchen lights are turned off. Later, we head straight to the beach. Bonfire time begins for us that night. We settled down in our spots. Drinks are passed around the circle.

Story time is in full swing now. A long break is taken to get refills for our drinks. Jokes are also told during this time. Our laughs are heard at each end of the beach. The stars shone brightly over our heads as the fire crackled in front of us.

I walked back up the shore to our house. Upon my arrival put my bottle in our sink. Seconds later I left the kitchen light on for the others. I went upstairs to our room to change into my jammies. Once I am finished returned to our living room. Mikey follows my cue. We switched room in our house.

Mikey is sitting next to me on the chaise. We are cuddling with each other. My twin begins reading the book to me. I took the book from him to read my chapters. There's one more passing of the book it's owner. It is rested on the table in front of us.

Our family came in dragging the cooler with them. The older members put their bottles in the sink. As for the girls threw away their juice boxes in the bins. I unpacked the cooler. Mikey threw out the bottles and dumps out the ice. The team heads upstairs to get ready for bed.

Later, they returned that evening. All of them sat on the couch or it's surrounding area. Our t v set is turned on. Nat chose something to watch from the box. We are watching the waves crash. I enjoyed this so much.

We stretched our legs after a while of sitting down. Everyone stood up in the family to mention goodnights to each other.Mikey gave me the usual forehead kiss. The team did the same thing just with my cheek. I went upstairs.

As for Mel went straight to bed. I checked my e mails in the phone room. Mikey went over to the couch to be with his girlfriend and the team. T v time is always relaxing. Our older brother and sister are cuddling.

Soon after that I went into our room again to put back the laptop and get in bed. Meanwhile in the family room downstairs with the team still watching t v. A few more t v shows are shared. Our t v set and family room lights are turned off. They went to their separate rooms. Nat walks into ours to join her dolphin. Everyone else joins her soon in dreamland that night.

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