Chapter 86

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As the sun peeked from behind the clouds to stream into my twin's room. Mikey woke up to get ready for his usual morning run. He went downstairs and out the kitchen door to stretch. Later on, he runs down the beach. BD is waiting for his usual pet. They enjoyed this alone time together.

Our houses are now awake and noisy. I woke up to get ready. Jakes brews some coffee for them to drink. He mixes my hot chocolate to leave it on the island in my tumbler. Both of us greeted each other. I took out a glass and the mugs.

George and mom are cooking breakfast at the stoves. I took out the remaining place settings to put them on the stoves. The team sets our kitchen table together. All of us hang out around the kitchen area. Our meals are in their final minutes on the stoves.

Breakfast is promptly served at 8:00 am. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team sat in their assigned seats at the tables. Mikey and I are sitting on the couch using our coffee table. We ate together like one big happy family. Soon after eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

The team exchanged our goodbyes to each other. Later on, we locked our front doors. All of us head to the cars and trucks. Our driveways and houses are now left vacant. Everyone else went to their missions.

George and I went to the headquarters. He parks the car in it's parking lot. Both of us went inside that morning. Later on, we head to Juan's office. We greeted each other. There was a short meeting with Ralph.

Moments after that I walked back to Juan's office. All of us exchanged our goodbyes to each other. Graceland bound for us that afternoon. As for George parks his car in our driveway. I opened the front door for us to go inside our house. George closes the door behind me.

We put down our stuff on the couch. George went into our kitchen to get snacks and drinks. I found something for us to watch on tv. We are relaxing on the couch. Our shoes are kicked off.

I went upstairs to take a quick bath. The team came home from work. Everyone greets each other in our family room. I entered the room again. George mentions goodbyes to each other. He drove to his place.

Lunch is promptly served at 12:00 pm. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team sat in their assigned seats at the tables. Mikey and I are sat on the couch using our coffee table for the food. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes.

Everyone splits up in their own directions. I am in the phone room checking my emails. After I am finish orangized them into their folders. John stops by to hang out with me for a few minutes on our bed. Both of us enjoyed this time with each other.

George and mom are over by the stoves cooking dinner. I took out the place settings to put them on the island. The team sets our kitchen tables together. We hung out around the kitchen areas. Our meals are in their final minutes on the stoves.

Dinner is promptly served at 6:00 pm California time. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team sat in their assigned seats at the tables. Mikey and I are sitting on the couch using our coffee for the food. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

We broke up into our usual boys vs girls groups. Our girls and sisters cleared the tables. I wiped down every surface with a rag. Mikey washes the dishes to refill it with the wet ones. The guys are getting our cooler ready with drinks and ice.

Everything is put back in it's regular places. All the kitchen lights are turned off. Later on, we head down to the beach. Bonfire time begins that night. We settled down in our spots. Drinks are passed around the circles.

Storytime is in full swing. A long break is taken get refills for our drinks. Jokes are also told during this time. Our laughs are heard at each end of the beach. As for the stars shone brightly over our heads as the fire crackled in front of us.

I walked back up the shore to our house. Upon my arrival left on the lights for the others and put my bottle in the sink. Minutes after that I went to our room in order to change into my jammies and brush my teeth. I am in our living room. Mikey follows my cue. We changed rooms in our house.

Mikey is sitting next to me on the chaise. We are cuddling with each other. Seconds later he begins reading the book to me. I took it from him to read my chapters. There's one more passing of the book to it's owner. It is rested on the table.

Within seconds our family came in dragging the cooler with them. The team came in dragging the cooler. The elders added their bottles to the sink. As for the younger ones threw away their juice boxes in the bins. I unpacked the cooler. Mikey threw away the bottles and dumps the ice. The team heads upstairs to get ready for bed.

The team returned to our family room. All of them sat on the couches or in it's surrounding areas. Our tv sets are turned on. John chose something for them to watch on tv. I wrote a few new paragraphs.

The team is still watching tv. Another round or drinks are taken. Laughter is now slowing down. Our tv sets and family room lights are turned off. They head upstairs to their own rooms. Nat walks into our shared one to join her dolphin. Everyone else joins Mel soon in dreamland that night.

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