Chapter 15: Wayne part 3

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George, Mom, and Abby started cooking dinner at their stoves. As for the girls and I took out our place settings. The team sets the kitchen tables together. BD is in the mix. We are hanging around the kitchen area. Our meals are in their final minutes on the stoves.

Dinner is promptly served at 6:00 pm. Everyone dished out their food to eat. The team sat down in their assigned seats at the tables. Pumpkin Pie and Mikey are sitting on the couch using our coffee table for the food. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

We broke up into our usual boys vs girls groups. The girls cleared the different tables in our group. I wiped down the surfaces. Soon after that I also helped unpacked the dishwasher with my other brother. As for Mom she washes the dirty dishes to refill it with the wet ones. The guys are getting our cooler with drinks and ice.

Everything is put back in it's regular places. All the kitchen lights are turned off. Later they head down to the beach. Bonfire time begins that night. My family settled down in their spots. Drinks are passed around the circle.

Story time is in full swing right now. A long break is taken to get refills for their drinks. Jokes are told during this time. My family's laughs could be heard from both ends of the beach. The stars shone brightly over their heads as the fire crackled in front of them.

Mikey is staring blankly into space. "What is going on in that head of yours?" mom pries. Kiss him now Paige. I can't stay. Let me guess, Bates stated. Stay out of this you are the reason she isn't sitting next to me.

We are still on this subject. Of course, until you understand that she is important to me. Paige are you comfortable with this. I'm not discussing this with you Bates. A few minutes after he walks away.

Roger went back to our house to put both of his bottles in our sink. He made a quick pit stop to his room for the book. Minutes after that he is knocking on Abby's door. Hey Mike. Our dog heard his dad and came running. I brought this book over for Mimi.

I ran into his open arms. Mimi bonfire time isn't the same without you. Of course, Bates turned it into an interrogation session on you. I know I miss you too. My twin hugged me very tightly. Stay and read with me. "Okay Twin I will," he replied.

Mikey is sitting next to me on the couch. Both of us are cuddling now. He starts reading the book to me. Seconds later I took it from him to read my chapters. As for Mikey rested the book on her coffee t v. I am leaving this here with you.

"Is this your nightly pattern?" she asked. "Yes, Abby we do this every night," he answered. Depending on how T is feeling she might want to sleep out here. Our dog has his bed in my room. Bye girls, I am going back to the bonfire now. We will see you soon Mike.

Before leaving Roger gave me the usual forehead kiss. He went down the beach again. Meanwhile at George's place they are looking at the girls. This is the first time outside of being with Ryan that she is smiling. I know that Fiona she doesn't really spend much time with Nat. What he did to Tia is wrong but I am happy that Nat is here.

Our younger sister is having so much fun. She gets all the details on Ryan. I put our bottles in her sink. Mikey heads straight to our house. Upon his arrival turns on the kitchen lights for the other. He went upstairs to change into his jammies and brush his teeth. Seconds later he is playing the guitar.

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